This map represents my second attempt at forging a map. I tried to take elements from other successful maps and blend them together. The gravity lifts and landing areas I borrowed from Narrows. The center arena with close quarters weapons and teleporters were inspired by Wizard, and the lower level was a tip of the hat to Guardian’s bottom floor. I like symmetrical maps; therefore, no team has a better spawn. I also like maps that are open and clutter free. I hate maps that are confusing; I want to find other players and weapons easily. I suggest that players start with the AR and Magnum on this map. I try to limit the number of long-range weapons. Each team must decide who is the sniper and the DMR dude. The other two team members will go for close-quarters or heavy weapons. I also placed grenades of both types down the middle of each team’s starting platform. This makes restocking grenades effortless. Weapons and Power-ups -2x Sniper Rifle -1x Rocket Launcher -2x DMR -2x Plasma Pistol -1x Shotgun -1x Grenade Launcher -1x Gravity Hammer - Plasma Grenades - Fragmentation Grenades -1x Armor Lock -1x Hologram -8x Health Packs GameTypes: The map currently supports Team Slayer, CTF, and Slayer. I plan on adding Neutral Bomb and Assault game variants, but I have not made the time. Off-centered View Top View Top View with Weapon/Loadout Locations Side View Side View with Weapon/Loadout Locations
I can already see a few major issues with this map that should be pointed out. There are two ways to cross from red two blue, which wouldnt be so bad, but the main way is a bridge, not nearly large enough, and the other is a man cannon, which also wouldnt be bad, but because the areas of crossing are so small and limited, they can be camped and provide no variation in gameplay. Also, I see the most interesting area is the center, which is just a few inclines and the lower dish. Try combining pieces more, and try not to use buildings, they dont look too good. Take a look at some other maps, maybe some of the ForgeHub Favorites, they are usually quite well made. Take ideas from that and notice their techniques, look at how many of the best maps here use no buildings, or if they do they are used as a part of something much greater. And that they have multiple paths, or large feilds of combat in the map as opposed to the few ways you have in this map. My final note is that you should test a lot, and take all critisizms into account, and adjust your map accordingly, because then you wind up with something that while it might have been good, seems more unfinished than anything, which is what I get from this. I dont mean to be harsh or anything (by pointing out what I believe are serious flaws in this map of yours), I had some similar maps when I began to seriously forge, and just recently got better, but with time and seeing the techniques and ideas shared here, you can become much better at forging.
Sorry I appreciate your comments, but I need to point out that there are three ways to travel from blue to red. The man cannons, the center bridge, and underneath near the rocket spawn. This allows attack from several areas. Consider this, and let me know if this resolves the congestion issues you noticed. Would you suggest adding man cannons to both sides? I just started creating and forging maps about a month ago. I will take into account your suggestion to avoid buildings. Thank you for taking the time to comment. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh, I did not know. My apologies. I thought that MLG would work because I did not want loadouts but pickups instead. I'm sorry.
I (personal thought) would suggest taking the intended design, and redoing it. If you are still wanting to forge this map that is. The problem isnt nessisarily the couple of ways to go, and I had noticed the under-bridge, but that the bridge is so small, it allows no strafe. The man cannons are useful, but I prefer systems that shoot you only 1/2 way or 3/4 way to the enemy side, not just like "boom, your there" and now there are two enemies who saw you fly there and are now killing you. I think the key to this map would be one of two things- make it more like hemmorage/blood gultch with a wide open middle ground, maybe with a tower of sorts in the middle- or more like Narrows, and for it into a more bridge-like design. Thats just a few of my thoughts, feel free to take them or leave them. The man cannons on only one side is not an issue in my opinion, but the absense of a path on the other is a concern for me. So a month ago? Okay, just take all the lessons that can be learned from this site if you can, look at other's maps (I suggest Eightball, Nutduster or Sh11tenshi's maps. They are just some friends of mine who make good maps, a few off the top of my head.) In the end you will learn the most in Forge sessions, thats the way I have been learning most things. And by the way, buildings arent bad, just dont use them as they were intended. To mix it up you might want to use a bunker as a floor, or a tower as a support beam. They can provide nice visual touches.