Saving the Best for LastSkisma's epic video Emile was born in Luxor on Eridanus II and was an orphan fending for himself until conscripted into the SPARTAN 3 Program. He served in the Alpha Company. In his early years of service, Emile would combat insurrectionists. His combat methods proved to be brutal and ruthless perhaps due to his high signs of aggression. Post battle media would often criticize this approach. Shortly after Emile was pulled into a different unit by Kurt-051. Unknowingly this saved Emile from certain death in the operation PROMETHEUS where most of the SPARTAN 3s were killed in action while destroying an Asteroid based Covenant shipyard. Out of the entire Noble Team, Emile had the most difficulties communicating with non-Spartan personnel, often not trusting civilians. This however had no effect on his combat performance as he always stayed focused and disciplined during off duty times. His mentality was not showing emotion or masking grief with humor. Emile A239 would fight alongside with Spartan B312 until the end to insure that the "Package" was delivered to the Pillar of Autumn on time. Emile fell in battle after being over- ran by Zealot class Elites with an energy sword through his back. His final action would be driving his Kukri knife through his opponent’s neck. "I'm ready.., how bout' you?!" Leg armor/feet Shotgun Opperator left shoulder/ shoulder lock Wrist bandelier was originally made from capture plates then scrapped for objects Security Right shoulder with Kurki knife Signature Emile skull helmet up close Noble 4Notes: I actually for the first time in any project ran the maximum object count. Veiw at your own risk. Some armor areas did not recieve the same attention as other spartans due to the sheer amount of resources going into the skull. Special Thanks: -Skisma who tirelessly worked on the video in order to get it to 343 on time. -Fr34K Sh0 for acutally playing through the entire Halo Reach Campaign in order to capture card all of the cutscenes in HD. -And of course xSoGx Partriot for the selfless contribution of the epicly crafted Noble Team cover (we sell posters..-not really)All of you are true Spartans! Special thanks
Holy S***! Finally this is out. I've been waiting for this to complete my collection! But seriously, your maps are insanely aestheticly pleasing. I like how you created the knife and what really caught my eye was the detail in Emile's helmet. Amazing...
I'd have to say the skull is pretty impressive. However, the head itself looks a bit small. It could just be the massive shoulder plates, but still. Ah well, definitely another masterpiece. Good work Grim.
I see where you're coming from, if there were about 10 more rock piece that wouldn't a problem. A massive amount of rock went into creating that spherical effect of the EVA helmet
Well done. Skull is epic. Video is epic BUT why does is say 'An xSOGx GRIM FILM' Shouldnt it be A not An?
Wow, nice man. This work of art is something to be proud of. Everything looks so perfect and really accurate. I hope you make Master Chief next. Great work man.
Man, this is outstanding. I was wondering how you could have pulled of a sphere-shaped helmet, and, as you've shown, rocks were definantly the way to go. but what amazes me most is the shotgun, I've always appreciated you eye for weapons, after all, those are my favorite parts of your maps! You should really be attempting vehicles and weapons next, I'm sure you could come up with some sick ****. 7.6/10, on account of the head size.
I have been waiting for the emile figure ever since you started making noble team. Not because hes my favorite noble team member, but because i wanted to see how you could possibly make his helmet. Without a dought, this is by far my favorite figure you have created yet. Every one of your works raises the bar, and this is the peak of your work. I can't wait to see what you do next. -Your biggest fan, Ninja
Now that I think of it, that does seem more accurate. I was up til 7am this morning finishing it up so that could be part of it. But then again, "An xSoGx Grim Film" rolls off the tounge easier in my opinion. Anyways, great work on Emile Grim. It's so amazing that you were able to re-create the skull helmet as well as you did. You're a true artist my friend. I had a lot of fun working on this video for you, even through the stresses I had, lol. I look forward to working with you in the future man. Keep em' coming!
Amazing work, the sculls face looks pixel perfect, and the round face looks so round and I look forward to seeing how that was made. I was waiting from 00:00 on the 7th including time difference to check this out. Will be checking this out now. . . Outstanding work
Firstly, I'd like to say congratulations in finishing the Noble Team models. I'm sure it's been good fun for you, and the results have been great. Anyway, I love the attention to detail on the skull. You've definitely outdone yourself in detail with this one. So, Godzilla next?
i love all of the characters my best one is jorge as he has that massive gun but i also love emiles skull on his face i can tell there has been a lot of time into this also did you use spawns for the face of the skull.
There were a few difficulties with that day, my que limit was reached and no file could be uploaded to fileshare. Regardless, thank you for your anticipation. And yes the Skull was generated from respawn points for boarders, and then initial spawns and loadout cams for filler. This really has been a long project,
I actually saw an image of this on a few days ago, and had a different feel of it now that I've seen it more in-depth. I do like it, don't get me wrong, but from a distance, in the first image, it just looked like the neck was a little too long and the left arm looked like it kind of sagged down. But seeing it closer, it does look a lot better. So, now I'm left to wonder: what's next? Let' see, you've done Noble Team, a Prophet, an Elite/The Arbiter, Hunters, Grunts, and a Brute Chieftain.
The neck are the two top.pieces, the lower ramp graduated into the upper chest, need a side angle to notice that. And you know I really haven't decided, I have a number of side projects started. Most likely will not post them here, but perhaps now that this is done, a playable map of some sort. Maybe infection/invasion.
Sometimes, when the letter sounds like a vowel, you put "an." ex. Anyways well done with the helmet! But either it was the shoulders or the head, it looked like the head didn't fit. But its still amazing, especially the skull. And now that it has been done, we shall remember the heroes. We shall remember Reach. (Did that sound dramatic?)
Engineer? Master Chief? Guilty Spark? Elite General with Plasma turret? ( I vote for the last one) Great map, although I have to agree the head looks sort of small. Excellent detail work.