Ive been told Im one of the best Forgers in Halo and got talked into releasing my maps. You can keep updated on all my upcoming maps (i have 3 coming out tuesday and 15 more coming out in the later weeks). click the link to get all the info and keep up to date on test sessions and releases and look at pics and videos of all my maps. Shifted Creations | Facebook This is Lateralus, a taste of what kinda maps I create. Please enjoy and thanks to everyone for the help
Looks nice man i like the layout of the map looks a bit of a forerunner and a spartan mixed structure to me. I have a few requests that you may want to think about doing in the future such as telling us the weapons that are on your map and a longer description of the map. personally I wouldn't say that your one of the best you need to look around at featured maps and you are certainly a great forger just give us more information on the maps in the future.
Well, the red pyramid pillar isnt as high as the blue one, so Im wondering if you remembered things such as kill zones, z-fighting, spawn zones, and weapon settings. You should problably remember the obvious things or people start to doubtyou on the more complex things.
Looks like a decent map design however the huge use of prefab's and the different heights of object's placed to be symmetrical isnt a good thing. I'm also unsure of using shield doors in the middle structure as this could lead to major camping within giving disadvantages. While I like the overall design, it could use much more cover in general the bridges are quite naked and most routes only provide one long way around it seems. You seem to atleast know some of forge and while you seem to be a good forger I wouldnt say the best as there are many forger's to choose from who create masterpieces. I say keep forging and working toward that title if you wish to have it.
this is my first post on forge hub, so the next ones will be more detail. i made this map about 8 months ago and made better ones since then. there are kill zones, spawns and weapon settings aswell.
good eye, thanks for the spot. never noticed that one pyramid was higher than the other. thanks, dont know how i missed that. as for the shield doors in the center, ive never had problems with campers, but i deleted them anyways since i got afew comments about it. thanks for the input. ill be posting around 15 maps better than this in the next few weeks. just gotta get off my ass and post them. none of them are in my fileshare yet, but you can check out pics on the link above [br][/br]Edited by merge: cover isnt a problem with this map and since it was my first map created 8 months ago, id say its not my best, but its still alot of fun to place. theres plenty of cover on the outsides and center, but its open in between to make the rush for power weapons alittle harder
This map looks sick. It reminds me of something out of the Atom genre. I like the use of the combination of the natural Forge World turf with the map and seems like it would be just great for Squad. It's very neat, clean, futuristic-looking, and aesthetically pleasing to the eye, so nice job!