[aname=top][/aname] [justify][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/Kiparis final/Kiparis - final title mid2.jpg]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/Kiparis final/Kiparis - final title mid.jpg[/mouseoverimage] This ocean resort still floats at sea, awaiting those who perished searching for it. [aname=description][/aname]Although not immediately visible, Kiparis was heavily inspired by Last Exit from ODST. More than just the firefight map, bits of all the architecture of ODST shows up in the map, with a distinctly human element of railed walkways and right angles combined with the occasional circle. In fact, little more than the perimeter walkways and the central gazebos mimic Last Exit. The raised walkways that figure so prominently in Kiparis are seen throughout ODST, most notably in another firefight map, Crater. Even so, Kiparis has its own unique structure despite being what looks like a typical symmetrical map. The unique structure is what I wanted to create most for Kiparis instead of ripping structures off other maps. In addition, rather than building structures in the middle of a map, to protect infantry, and leaving space around them for vehicles like most big team battle maps such as Sand Trap and Rat's nest, I took the approach of putting vehicles in the middle with cover for infantry around the sides. This strategy keeps vehicles as the focus of any game on Kiparis without them being too overpowering or completely separate from infantry. [aname=weapons][/aname]Kiparis is a completely symmetrical map designed to support large parties for BTB. A bit more than the average circular or figure eight map, Kiparis has three loops to keep those warthogs busy and hopefully keep tread marks off your visor. In addition to the open roads, Kiparis features elevated walkways around its entire perimeter, safe from all but the most brazen, and suicidal, drivers. In addition to the pair of warthogs, two ghosts and four mongooses encourage you to look both ways for those offensive drivers. Sniper rifles, grenade launchers, concussion rifles, and the coveted rocket launcher give vehicles a reason to watch out too, but watch your ammo counter because it won't last forever. [table][td]Light Weapons [title=respawn time: 30 | spare clips: 2 | Around the outer rim of the map]16 DMRs[/title] [title=respawn time: 30 | spare clips: 2 | On the ramps jumping up to the man cannon platforms]8 Needle Rifles[/title] [title=respawn time: 30 | spare clips: 2 | In front of the mancannons]4 Needlers[/title] [title=respawn time: 30 | spare clips: 2 | On top of the crates on both sides of the map]4 Assault Rifles[/title][/td][td]Power Weapons [title=respawn time: 60 | spare clips: 0 | In the each gazebo]2 Sniper Rifles[/title] [title=respawn time: 60 | spare clips: 5 | In the side tunnels on the edge of the map]2 Grenade Launchers[/title] [title=respawn time: 60 | spare clips: 1 | On the large platforms on either side of the map]2 Concussion Rifles[/title] [title=respawn time: 60 | spare clips: 1 | In the bunker in the center of the map]1 Rocket Launcher[/title][/td][td]Equipment [title=respawn time: 30 | On mancannon platforms]8 Frag Grenades[/title] [title=respawn time: 30 | On the large platforms on either side of the map]4 Plasma Grenades[/title] [title=respawn time: 30 | In the gazebos]4 Health Packs[/title][/td][td]Vehicles [title=respawn time: 30 | Two in each base]4 Mongooses[/title] [title=respawn time: 60 | One in the left tower of each base]2 Warthogs[/title] [title=respawn time: 60 | One in the right tower of each base]2 Ghosts[/title][/td][/table] [aname=gametypes][/aname]Kiparis plays best for capture the flag, always a BTB favorite, with the flags, "blowing in the breeze, in clear view of the other team," almost taunting them to come grab it, but beware, the defenders have a clear view of it too and snipers will gladly fill the unwary rusher's head with high velocity armor piercing rounds. The last five feet really are the hardest here, walking across the open roof just hoping the enemy sniper doesn't spot you. Kiparis also excels in assault, where everyone will find out how defensible the gazebos really are when trying to plant the bomb. Even Rocket Race is a blast--literally--if anyone has a real need for speed and rocket launchers. Of course Kiparis supports everything else and is by no means boring with any gametype, but those are some of my favorites. If you're missing any of the BTB gametypes, you can download them below. [title=Team Slayer][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/1.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/1.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Bro Slayer][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/1.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/1.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Team Snipers][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/34.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/34.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Elite Slayer][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/29.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/29.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=One Flag CTF][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/0.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/0.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Capture the Flag][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/0.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/0.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Territories][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/5.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/5.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Assault][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=One Bomb Assault][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Neutral Bomb Assault][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Stockpile][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/11.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/11.png[/mouseoverimage][/title] [aname=images][/aname]Now without further ado, the only map I have put more than a few hours into and still managed to finish. To spare everyone hours of scrolling and loading 50 images, I only embedded the layout images and put the rest in this awesome slideshow so you can sit back, relax, and let flickr save your hand from carpel tunnel syndrome. Enjoy. [aname=end][/aname] Special thanks to everyone who put up with this in the many stages of me breaking one thing when I fix another. I could name all the people who helped test since the first TGIF when I unveiled it, two and a half months ago, but that would take all day. Including everyone who clamored for a wraith on here. Sorry guys, but that's just not happening. In case you missed it, another download link for the map and standard Big Team Battle gametypes. [title=Team Slayer][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/1.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/1.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Bro Slayer][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/1.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/1.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Team Snipers][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/34.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/34.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Elite Slayer][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/29.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/29.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=One Flag CTF][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/0.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/0.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Capture the Flag][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/0.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/0.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Territories][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/5.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/5.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Assault][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=One Bomb Assault][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Neutral Bomb Assault][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/6.png[/mouseoverimage][/title][title=Stockpile][mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/11.png]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/gametype images small/11.png[/mouseoverimage][/title] [mouseoverimage=https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/Kiparis final/Kiparis - final title mid2.jpg]https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25717477/Halo Reach/Kiparis final/Kiparis - final title mid.jpg[/mouseoverimage][/justify]
Woot Woot! First! Childish joy aside, Kiparis is a very enjoyable BTB map. I remember my second TGIF when you joined and started your alpha test on this. I see you put a big structure in the middle now from he TG testing and I hope the mancannons and the kill zones were tweaked to work properly. Overall, I love the smoothness and curvature of Kiparis demonstrated through the walkways and pavilions
I downloaded your testable version from the TG a few days ago, and while I didn't get any games on it, I did get to fly around in forge. I was quite impressed by the clean, well-forged look. The structures looked very nice and fairly unique as well. The map appeared to be a bit too open, but I believe that has been changed somewhat since the then. The map was fun to drive around on and your idea to put the infantry around the outside with the vehicles in the middle is a very good one. Good big team maps are hard to come by these days, so I really look forward to playing this sometime. good work.
Well, I have to agree with what everyone is saying about this map...It's..fresh and very creative. The presentation of the map is simply gorgeous and your little slide show was such a great idea. The Circular 2x4 block/ Dish structure is by far my favortite part of the map. I could definetly see CTF being really fun on this BTB map. Ohhh how I love me some good BTB. I'll make sure to give this one a looksee and hopefully get some games on it. Nice work, I think this is the first competitive map I've seen from you, if I'm not mistaken? Q'd for download.
I hope you've fixed the man cannons... those were a doozy. It certainly is very clean... but i found DMRs overpowered.. but oh well. Fun map for vehicles.
I ran around this and really liked the flow, the slopped bridge with inclines is a great idea among others on this map. Can I borrow that idea?. The map was bigger than I thought it would be, great work.
So I finally found out from someone that the mancannons had problems when people walked on at an angle or jumped on which I hadn't tested. The new version, anything downloaded after this post has that fixed. I also changed slayer spawns to static since that should be better for larger parties. DMRs are the starting weapon of Big Team for a reason. Big Team is about long range fights where DMRs are going to be powerful. Now on to my minigame project. Let's see if I can finish in one night.
I'm not sure what this map is doing way back on page 5. It certainly doesn't deserve to be pushed to the bottom yet. Actually I still need to play some games on this. I don't understand why you switched over to static spawns. Even ok symmetrical maps, I find that dynamic spawns create more interesting gameplay as well as better spawns.