SURVIVOR on OUTNUMBERED This is my take on infection. The Survivors have one life, and a life bar. Each hit brings them one step closer to being part of the infected. The Infected have several loadouts to try and end the life of each survivor before the clock runs out. Teamwork and variety are keys to success. The Last Man Standing takes on the whole horde in one last desperate attempt to survive. HUMAN LOADOUTS: ASSAULT RIFLE, MAGNUM & SPRINT SHOTGUN, MAGNUM & SPRINT DMR, MAGNUM & SPRINT INFECTED LOADOUTS: SWORD & EVADE SWORD & CAMO HAMMER & SPRINT REPEATER & JETPACK SPIKER, PLASMA PISTOL & HOLOGRAM YouTube - FORGEHUB PRESENTS: Survivor on Outnumbered Here are some screenshots: OVERVIEW: DOWNLOAD THE MAP DOWNLOAD THE GAMETYPE
Who's that sexy beast with the JFO helmet? Can't wait to see a video. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Fixed.
how did you use zombie loudouts? is it a new gametype like Alpha Zombie? andyways, the map is really good, but i think ill stick to normal infection. ranged weapons for zombies is a terrible idea
VIDEO IS UP. The gametype does have Alpha Zombies in it. They are immune to headshots. The ranged weapons aren't an overly large deal, because they are weak weapons, and the humans are all jacked up in the first place. They are more of a disorienting weapon while heavier zombies move in and do the real damage. If you give it a chance instead of writing it off, you'll see that it works very well, and it's a fresh experience.
Oh god. Plasma repeaters really are annoying, even with just one.. I can't imagine what 14 would be like.. Could have used more Nibs though, like when he crashed into the Plasma Batteries, or you could've showcased exactly how annoying the PR is, like when I kept harassing BT.
I really like the gametype for the most part. However the only thing I might change would be the infected classes with the ranged weapons. In my personal opinion the only ranged weapon that should really be used in infection is the plasma pistol (aka zombie spit). However the map looks great. Keep up the good work. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey you didn't mention the name of the song in the credits. Would you mind telling us what it is called?
I really don't think anyone understands that this plays more like firefight then your run-of-the-mill infection.
Absolutely class map, TSB. So glad i managed to get a play in last night. Honestly, I haven't played an infection game like is on reach, where teamwork was so important, and it felt fun for both humans and zombies. Oh, and it's all about the spiker loadout. That hologram scored me some hilarious kills.
I feel the ranged weapons are necessary to keep things moving. It plays exactly how I want it to because of them. Thanks for checking it out. The song is by The Devil Wears Prada. It's on their album "The Zombie EP", and it's called Survivor. The whole cd is a story about the zombie apocalypse. Awesome. This. I know I said it's infection, cause it technically is. However, it's more like a 2 team firefight. It keeps it fun and not frustrating for both teams. Thanks man. Pleasure having you test.
I am sorry. I just usually get into that infection mindset when I make infection gametypes. However I really like his idea. If perhaps the survivors got points for activating the safe havens it could be kind of fun.
I had a blast playing this......8 times in a row. In all seriousness, this is a fantastic take on the **** that most people call infection. It's innovative and it truly embraces teamwork while still maintaining fun and strategy for both sides. This is a feature worthy infection variant.
Aw jeez, I didn't even realize this was up..Shows how much I pay attention..Anyways, I really loved playing on this. The map itself was very well-forged and I have to say I've played quite a few infection maps and none were as exciting as this. The plasma repeaters were annoying but still funny to annoy people with. Teriffic job man.
You are hereby banned from being a Warthog driver, unless you want to join in my next TGIF Festivities, then you can drive all night.
Thanks. I am disappointed it didn't catch on better, but I'm probably going to make another map to go with the gametype, just so people can mix it up. I didn't really advertise, don't feel bad. lol. I tried about a million alternatives to the repeaters, and they just work. It can get pretty crazy with all of them shooting at you, but they are fairly harmless. Wouldn't you want a driver who'll keep you alive?
A friend of mine had a birthday party several days ago. It was his nineteenth birthday, and our pony tailed alcohol connection came through with a few handles to feed the monstrous appetite of underage alcoholic teenagers. This kid was ****ing loaded, and had four Xboxs connected to one another. I provided them with maps I had downloaded and brought over on my hard drive. This map was among the variants played all night, and proved to be a favorite. Excellent work silence. You have created a map worthy of more appreciation than what it is currently receiving. There lies a plague we cannot escape and are condemned to experience until Reach has met its end.
This looks like a really fun new original take on infection. Looks super sweet, but I don't have enough people to play it with annoyingly
Thanks man. I am glad to hear that it is still getting played, because I thought it didn't get any more games in since testing. I wish it had caught on like I thought it would. I knew it'd be a pain to get people to play it because it requires so many people, but I hope that some time you can find the time to play it, cause I'd love to hear what you think.