Outlook YouTube - Halo Reach Forge Map: Outlook‏ ^(WATCH THE VIDEO!)^ SkysNotTheLimit and I created this Multi Flag CTF Map. Right now, it only works with the Game Type we've created. We've tested it with up to 6 v 6 players. This is the first map we've chosen to promote online, we have a few other maps we will be posting at a later date. Outlook is pretty straight forward. Two bases, one bridge. Plus some turrets players can teleport to. It makes for a fun Multi Flag, with what we've experienced from testing, the more players the better. Download and test it! Tell us what you think We would love to test this map with more players, along with some other maps we've created. Feel free to friend us. Mace Rules SkysNotTheLimit
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You're right when you say that the map is simple, perhaps too simple. You clearly are looking for a vehicle heavy map here, but I'm afraid that it won't bring much variety to the game. The bridge has no cover from the air vehicles and no place to hide. I would remove the bridge, lower the bases to the ground and maybe add a third structure to the middle. The bases aren't exactly inspiring, but if you made a cool center structure you could create something unique. Also having an area only available via teleporter is a bad idea as they are easily camped, and ruin the flow of the map. Also if you take a look through the forum you will see that pictures are standard in every post. Please include some pictures even if you post a video. -Atlas
Atlas pretty much said everything I was going to mention. The only thing I would add is that since it's so simple, you could add various aesthetic structures around the edges. And perhaps add a path that only those on foot could use. That way it wouldn't be absolutely necessary to use a vehicle.
Each team has two teleporters, one leads to a Shade Turret on the ridge. There is a soft kill all around the area of the turret, so in order to survive you have to stay in the turret. Also, it is in plain sight and only useful really for flanking falcons and/or providing some support. The second teleporter leads to a box with a custom powerup you retrieve upon entering, and a fuel rod. The powerup allows for infinite ammo and no reload. So you go through the teleporter, grab the powerup and the fuel rod, then you aim through the small window at the base. Also, there is a soft kill inside the fuel rod area, so launch as many fuel rods as you can within 10 seconds. I know this map isn't as polished as other maps you guys normally see, but it pretty fun with a good amount of people. Its loosely based on Tacoma Bridge and some other maps I've played over custom games.
the middle of the whole map, the bridge. its way too dull. you need to put more structures in it. barricades arent a good excuse to fill in space. and maybe some fencing around the edges of the bridge would make it look better