I know it's early but... This is a Spartan Rube Goldberg I made for Bungie Day 2011! Here's to 20 more years, Bungie! Happy 20th anniversary, and happy Bungie Day 2011! YouTube - 20 Years! (Bungie Day 2011 Spartan Rube Goldberg)‏
i just crapped myself....... possibly one of the best i have seen so far... i also wouldn't be surprised if it got on bungie's website
That was awesome on so many levels. Did anyone submit this to Bungie yet? I'm sure this would get on the front page
God i would love to try this, can i has the DL link pl0x? How long did it take to stick that landing perfectly like that, and how long did it take to make? I especially love the golf ball cannon, must have been annoying to get that ramp in the exact place.
You sir just blew my mind! At the start of the video I was thinking this was just your typical Rube Goldberg! But you fooled us all! The golf ball being launched God only knows how high is amazing! And you landing that body perfectly was about the coolest thing I have ever seen! So question. Did it take you several times to stick that landing, or does it work almost every time?
Wow dude, amazing. I think the coolest part was when the golf ball was shot to the other side of the Halo ring and came back! Is this in your file share cause I'd like to try it for myself...
Oh my god. I remember one from Halo 3 that ended with the spartan making the "I" in Bungie. That was amazing in its time. You have now topped them all.