Hey again guys! So heres my friends map. This is a 2 players co-op puzzle, and i would give it 4/5. He cant upload files to hes file share because he dont have HDD. Hes name is LannanLuoj4, and he has very good and challengin puzzle maps! This is most challengin puzzle so far i have played from lannanluoj4 with my friend. Ok so heres some thigns to know: You need to know how to double jump, need to gravity hammer jump, sword lunge jumps and stuff like that im going to post vid tut if i get someone render it! And this map dont have any 'Glitches' like mongooses inside walls etc. You might see some more puzzle from me or lannanluoj4. So heres 2 pictures of the map, only 2 because i dont want to spoil anyone, i will post walktrought later if i get someone to render my video or ill add pictures. Start End
Worst forgehub post...ever You told us NOTHING about the map and only provided two very confusing screen shots. Mind clearing it up a bit?
Sorry that i didnt tell anything of the map but i havent played it much... so i will edit after i play it, also my english is not so good so i dont know/remember all the words so its hard to me to tell something of the map when i dont know how to write it in english... so sorry but will edit after i have palyed it more.
Most pathetic comment...ever His/her post is up to standards, which means it is far better than at least half of the maps posted in any given day. Idk the pictures are fine because it is a puzzle map and you dont want to give much away but if you are gonna do that you should need a video walkthrough. Also, instead of telling us how the guy who made it has no hard drive, tell us the sort of obstacles we will have to face. (Ex: Vehicle paths, Using Armor Abilities)