Ok seriously, nice post but holy ****, am i the only one that has been experiencing some extreme lag from this site in the last 2 months or so? I download and check it out.
Bro gotta give you props for this thread, it is truly amazing. The map looks really nice too. Ecspecially that 'downfall' part. You might want to put the backstory in a spoiler tho cuz it's pretty long
your thread looks welcoming. definitely worth my download. ill give you and my friend's review after we finish it. cross fingers it doesnt have glitch or cheats in it.
Wow. I got totally stuck but the originality is amazing. It wasn't easy in any sense, but didn't make you want to stab somebody. It looks pretty good too. I may attempt it again in the future.
Thanks for the feedback, and about the difficulty, I tried that the hard thing here is guess how to solve the challenges instead of beating them and trying that both guys advance at the same rythm. Glad you liked it.
For the mother if God, please post a walkthrough. Me and my friend have been trying to solve this, but, this is still one of the best puzzle maps I've played.
Lies. I actually wanted to stab you repeatedly after you kept failing me in every single way possible -_-. The map is challenging.... not the best i've played, but certainly challenges you. Im just stuck at the room with the shield door/shotty/trip mine in the back. >:[
Lol, maybe I can post a walkthrough but first I need someone that can renderize the video or I should get bungie pro first.
I tried this map and omigosh, leaving the xbox on so I don't lose any saved progress. PLEASE post a walkthrough. Oh yeah, btw, what font do you use in Photoshop?
ok im back me and my buddy finished your map. i found glitches and some things you might have forgotten. first off, the mongoose behind the shield door with the shotty and bubble shield is spawned as "NEVER". so my friend got stuck there with no way to kill himself after we got it out. also, the room accessable only by evading through the tunnel, the one with plasma pistol and launcher was useless. we glitched through with the mancannoning killball by killing ourselves and triggering the bombs with our dead bodies. idk if you knew but the mines behind shield doors can be cheated through by using dead bodies. MY REVIEW: GREAT LOOKING MAP, GOOD ARCHITECTURE and GREAT CHALLENGES. 8/10 For good Architectural design and challenges, but with its flaws i cant rate it the highest potential.
Actually I separated the roads, so only one person pass through one side, the plasma launcher and pistol are there only for the guy witht the evade so he can break the fusion coil. About the corpses, Thanks for telling me about that one. Thanks for the comments.
Holy S*** this map is hard! I gotta give it to you though... nice presentation. Also, I looked around in forge, and looks pretty good, but a tutorial would be nice!
Oh yeah, Thanks too @TheDTYP, Thanks, I will keep trying to get the walkthrough for this, but if I can´t probably my next puzzle will have it. Thanks for the feedback!
wow this is the best co-op puzzle i have played, but im stuck at the jetpack challenge please a tut...
Okay, I made the walkthrough today, I just need to render both videos, so I can put them together in a YouTube video. [br][/br]Edited by merge: *the map is updated please download it again, sorry for any inconvenience*