Did anybody ever remake the frogger gametype from halo 3... if this is in the wrong section sorry for that
I don't think so. In fact, I've never heard of it. I'll do a quick search. Nope, nothing. Maybe you should remake it yourself.
im not a good forger at all lol, i just wanted to come on here to see oif any of these pro forgers remade it
Same bro, i just can't forge, but since when was there a frogger gametype, I have had an idea on how to make it but im thinking i need somebody good to help me forge
It doesn't matter if you can't forge. If you just want the gametype, then all you need to do is tweak a few settings.
Which version are you referring to? The one on Foundry where one person tries to survive against everyone in warthogs? Or the one on Sandbox with the Scorpion in the middle shooting everyone in vehicles jumping from one section to the next? Either way I haven't really paid attention to custom games yet.
It also didn't take anyone with forging skill to make those. Anyone could forge a map to work with that...
im actually in the process of making it right now, its coming out pretty good so far ill make a new thread with pics and everything when im done