Imagine a sniper without bloom! You could kill anyone anywhere in 0 frames! that would be the most overpowered gun ever!
So odds are they won't be able to just get rid of bloom without slowing the rate of fire on all the weapons... So what will they do? Make adjustments to bloom? Or remove it and replace it with weapons that fire at slower rates?
I hope it's just a setting that people will have to build their maps, games around. I think that would solve the most problems, then people wouldnt complain about how they destroyed reach, and people complaining about bloom would also stop complaining.
Its basically another name for a patch. It updates the game and can change pretty much anything from back end stuff like netcode etc. to more noticeable stuff like changing gameplay mechanics. For example, H2 title updates changed stuff like the way melees worked and how powerful dual wield weapons were. TUs enable a developer to tweak a game after release in many ways, so exactly what to expect from this one past the small amount 343 have already said is up in the air right now.
I know that, but seeming as 343 are in control of Halo now, if they're going to release a TU they may as well keep updating MM, and this would be a good opportunity to start. Bungie couldnt fix the spawns for Pinnacle, and its the worst map for spawn trapping in SWAT, evar! Thats why I said kill it or re-do it. And I miss SHWATguns, oh so much.
im not sure if they could remove the bloom if they wanted, but its highly unlikely they would change it at all- they said they want to preserve bungie's games, including reach. Thats why they included reach's MP in Halo Anniversary, so it wouldnt take population away from reach with a CE multiplayer... im just expecting little updates at best, nothing really mind blowing that will save reach- it will only make it slightly better
YouTube - Halo: Reach Classic Mode - Coming to a LAN near you‏ You never know because that guy can do it (he also has a nice vid on melee bleedthrough). It would be nice to have the option to toggle its effectiveness from 0% (no bloom) - 100% (current or more bloom). Being able to customize how the weapons work would make everyone happy. Also, 343i did say that they wanted to preserve the game, but they did say that they wanted to make the game feel more classic. They don't want half of the Reach population on a new game, but they don't seem to mind if half of the Reach population is in a Reach mode. If a new, classic touch is added to Reach, the population will hopefully only gain the thousands upon thousands of gamers; it would split the population, but the amount of additions to the population would make up for that.
^ you just gave me hope again lol, it might be a long shot but if its possible it could happen- and like 343i said they were going to make a trely "classic" playlist... so if they have this in mind it could save face for the multiplayer
Glad to see that the Forgehub banner can fill you with faith in Reach Anywho, I can't wait for them either. I used to enjoy playing Halo 3 on a pretty competitive side, but Reach kinda ruined it for me, personally. I'm just hoping that this update will allow me to play a game that is very similar to H2/H3, but, at the same time, will allow me to continue playing the fun, recreational game that is the current Reach.
Isn't that video a modded Sword Base file because weapon data is built into the maps instead of the gametypes or some other modifiable part of the game? I thought that was the reason they couldn't add new guns/armors/vehicles to old maps, because that would require issuing every map on the disk over and over again as DLC. I'm pretty sure if they're going to change anything about bloom it would have to apply equally to everything. They'd do that by simply changing how the game interprets the bloom data currently embedded in the maps, but to the best of my knowledge they're unwilling or unable to change individual guns.
Good point, didnt think about that until you said it. Mayhaps they've found a way around it? I just realised something though, this is going to OP the NR and DMR massively. Dead-on headshots mean that everyone is going to ***** either or both of them, and its going to be nearly impossible to beat someone who has one. Im glad they seem to be making this applicable to only one playlist.
Yeah... the only competitive gametypes in Reach start everyone with DMRs so I have no problem with this. If you have a problem with this, it's because you are either incapable of or unwilling win fights based on your ability to aim and strafe. I do understand that AR start gametypes would need to be balanced because Bungie insists on keeping them in MM, and I think I've mentioned in this thread already that I support buffing the automatic guns a little bit to keep up with the precision guns. However, I will also be overjoyed if Bungie finally shows that they're willing to put people who refuse to be good at Halo at a disadvantage by offering strong benefits for using precision guns.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: screw the NR and DMR, no bloom Pistol would be utterly insane. The small clip would be the only thing limiting its potential. Also I think that no bloom would only make the NR even more redundant compared to the DMR than is currently the case. As it stands the NR kill time is higher, its only positive is more forgiving bloom, so take that away and you basically have a useless gun.
This sounds great for all the people who wanted the be back. Why don't they just go ahead and make it a four shot while they're at it. Oh wait lag already does that.
Umad bro? The option to have decent kill times would be really nice, having things like herpaderping, nade spamming and Jet Pack abuse actually punishable rather than easy AND powerful would be a refreshing change.
That won't change how many people do it. "HOLY **** I AM GETTING SHOT AT, TAKE OFF IN MY JETPAACCCCCKKKKKKKK" "AUGH THERE IS A GUY, HERPADERP!" "OH MY GOD AROUND THAT CORNER, EVERYONE THROW SIXTEEN GRENADES!" People have that so ingrained into them. And my hidden trueskill is at the point where I get paired up with the people who are good at doing that, from back in January when I could take on all but one person on my FL and expect to walk out with a win. I am nowhere near that good, so I end up getting t-bagged by guys who double-melee me all the time. Oh; your comment about buffing the AR is pointless. It already has a faster kill time than the DMR at full spam (sans headshots,) and it rapes shields. As I said before, run around with a DMR+AR pair, and it takes 3-4 enemies to take the two of you down, assuming the DMR hits his headshots. They made it into a team weapon, so that it isn't like Kuroda's spam pistol that hits every shot and kills you in half a second.