Have changed my slogan and given a better description of what I want my secondary colour to be. Just giving you a heads up.
Cool thanks Waylander, and yeah yours will be next MXD =] Okay, now I've finished yours zstrike, so I hope you like it. I was trying to keep the Grunt style from Sierra117 with the forest tones etc... So yeah, anywhere here it is =D If you don't like something in the sig make sure you let me know. It can be changed very easily =] [noparse][/noparse]
Whitelime Name on Sig - WhiteLime Slogan - ------ Main colour - Dark green Secondary colours - shades of green and black Main Style - surprise me Head - default LS - haya RS - haya Body - haya Primary Colour - black Secondary Colour - green DOT- extra - i want the sniper medal in there somewhere if you could please main structure type thing- I just want to say that i would like a kind of jungle feel to it nothing over the top but like how you added ice to weremidgets, i just want something foresty thanks alot your doing great look forward to seeing what you come up with just PM me if you have any queries - Holding Weapons - Primary Weapon - sniper rifle Secondary Weapon - AR Signature size - Size - Default Style -Complex
- Sig colours - Name on Sig - Iv0rY Snak3 Slogan - N/A Main colour - multiple Secondary colours - Main Style - Psyechedelic eg. beatles lucy in the sky with diamonds, yellow submarine, Jimi hendrix artworks. Focus of Sig: Hendrix, any pic you wish. Font: this if it fits in with the rest of the sig, you may change it to suit. i realise i already have one, but i never got to give specifics, and i want to see what you will do with my very strange request.
wow Reynbow, thats incredible!!! Sorry it took long to respond, other side of world lol... but I'm positive he'll ove it!!! Thanks a lot... now I'm deciding if I should ask you for my own lol... you're dam good :] Thanks again! its awesome!
ok, can I have a sig that says killamanjaro on it, no slogan, with a main color of black. the secondary color should be a bloody sort of red, kind of spraypainted in a few spots. the main style should look kind of blood splattered on red, with a spartan staring at you dramatically. the armor should look like this: the emblem is the skull with the crown on it's head, but without the crown, colored the lightest brown in the colors. the background is the oval, colored the darkest brown in the the color section. I want the primary weapon to be a shotgun, and the secondary to be a sniper. the font you can choose to suit the style in the sig. I want the size to be default, and the style to be complex and threatening. if you can, I'd really like a faded rocket launcher and laser making an X in the background, with a killamanjaro medal at the center thanks if you ever get around to it, I really appreciate it
I'm sorry Killamanjaro, not to be a complete arse but have you even read my first post? Leave specifics to the end of your post, same with pictures. Use the style of posting as I state in my first post... And I don't know why but everything in your post, except for the last four words seems like you're demanding something from me... Not that I want you to grovel at my feet... EDIT: One other thing, I go in-game and change my Spartan model to get the screenshots of the Spartans for the signatures. I am sure the least you can do is go in-game also and find out the name of the emblem pieces... I'm sorry but for some reason your post is sorta' ticking me off...
- Sig colours - Name on Sig - MAD BAGGER12 Slogan - None Main colour - RED Secondary colours - White - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - ODST LS - SCOUT RS - SCOUT Body - EVA Primary Colour - WHITE Secondary Colour - RED Detail Colour - RED Emblem Image -None - Holding Weapons - Primary Weapon - Spartan Laser Secondary Weapon - Rocket launcher - Font Used - Font -http://www.dafont.com/font.php?file...t=MAD+BAGGER12&nb_ppp=10&psize=s&classt=alpha - Signature size - Size - Default Style -Complex I would like these specifics in my signature, and could you include these pictures: Can you put in the rampage medal.
Definitely on the list for using such an awesome method of posting a sig request xD LMAO =D Rampage Medal, certainly =]
ok well does this new posting style thing mean you arent gonna do mine cause its not halo oriented? cause i can change it to halo if you like. and should i redo my request- not depending on whether or not i can have the walker of secret ways one?
I dont think that it matters. On most boards with sig shops it doesnt matter what hte sig is requested as as long as you follow the format for requesting one( I can prove this if you want I have a website with lots of sig shops to prove this)
I updated mine (page 2) with the new posting format. Actually, I changed whaty I want around a little bit... just I want it more "techy" now...