Reiteration Reiteration is a complete re-imagining of one of my first Halo Reach forge maps, India (Iteration). I've collected about six months worth of feedback and critiques and poured a number of hours into creating a substantially better version of the map. Aside from obvious motherload of aesthetic changes that have been made much of the map has functional differences including shallower ramps, increased cover in every room except the side stairwells and shorter (wider in some areas) hallways to improve traffic flow and relieve congestion. Lighting has been used to create a stark contrast between weapons and their surroundings to make weapon (and healthpacks) easy to spot on the run. The concussion rifle that had been in the basement has been removed and a Rocket launcher now takes its place granting an incentive for taking the less travelled lower paths. One of the shotguns has been removed and replaced with a grenade launcher and the grenade launcher that once sat in the center of the map has been replaced by a sniper rifle. The shotgun, grenade launcher and Rocket Launcher are on three minute respawns and the sniper is on a two minute respawn. Most of the weapons have been moved but are within a short distance of their original location and are very easy to spot. Weapons list Red base (and blue base) 1 DMR 1 Needler 1 Healthpack Orange base 1 Plasma Repeater 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Grenade Launcher Green Base 1 Plasma Repeater 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Shotgun Center Room (upstairs) 2 DMR 1 Sniper Rifle 2 Frag grenades 2 Plasma grenades Center Room (basement) 2 Needle Rifle 1 Rocket Launcher 2 Frag Grenades 2 Plasma Grenades Special Thanks to MythicFritz, TomisHIGH, AtlasIsShruggin, and many others for their detail oriented critiques, inspiration, and contribution to conceptual design. Pictures!
I will download/play next time I go on xbox. As for just looking at the pictures I like the whole breaking down area in the first few pictures. It kind've reminds me of portal 2 how you are going around Aperture labortories with it all destroyed. Also the lighting for the heath packs/ weapons is a really good idea. The last picture gives it a kind of eerie feel to it, which I like (Could be used for Infection as well, I a dark room. Would be cool). Overall looks really good! Only one question: what is that thing that looks like fire? Is it the leaves off the tree?
How is the framerate in this map? I can see you have used a lot of glass objects and lights which normally add to frame rate lag. With that out of the way, I can say this map looks very nice and you have obviously taken time with it and made it unique. The way you have used the forge objects makes it look like the map is all together and fools the player into thinking it is just a bunch of objects placed together. Also your damaged/caved in area looks amazing and very detailed. Hopefully the map flows well and I can get some awesome games on this if possible. You have my download!
Man i like how you map looks.. but i can se it from these picks that there is stuff we cant se.. plz add more picks so we can se if the map is as good as it looks... Iwillnotgiveyouandownload as long those picks doesent exist
Really? That has to be the least helpful and one of the more rude things I've ever read on this forum. It's a shame that the helpful and friendly forgers on Reach are quickly becoming the minority. The downloads are nice but for a lot of us it's about creating great maps, whether they get downloaded or not. So why not download and give him your true opinion, instead of trying to get your post number up and keep his download count down? Anyway, I'm glad I got to take a good look at the map last night. I really like the aesthetics you pushed with the broken floor. You executed it very well. I was also very pleased to see you used the fire effect from Rhem. I love how you took an idea I had and pushed it to make it your own and unique, I look forward to seeing what other unique ideas we see from you in the future! Did you have a chance to fix the sides to remove the 2x2 steep ramps? Your map is very good, but could be great with that small adjustment. Good Job and Keep Forging - Atlas
@Atlas, Yes I did remove the steep ramps and I have to say it looks a lot better! I replaced them with a couple of 2x4 at a 25 degree angle, a much shallower incline to say the least. I also built a display for the shotgun and grenade launcher to give them obvious prominence in their respective areas of the map. I really appreciate your positive feedback, and since you mention it I'm going to edit the original post because I forgot to give shoutouts to those who helped me in the creation of this map-even if it was just a suggestion. @RRAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWRR-or something like that, lol. I haven't identified any screenlag yet and I have played splitscreen on the map, so I don't think there will likely be any problems but please let me know if you encounter any. @Shamalama21 Thanks for the positive feedback, the fire effect was created by using a killball and phasing one edge of it through the wall behind the light.
Great map. When I saw the map I imeadiately thought of Portal 2. The killball thing I'm not too impressed about but the light for the weapons, Thats genius. I love it. The Last pic with the plasma grenade just looks sooo epic. Great job.
Plagiarism? If you're going to insult or accuse me of something you could at least make it intelligible. Try being less vague. Details, articulation and punctuation would help clarify what you are saying.