I love playing team splazers under the team snipers playlist! Does anyone else? The only complaint I have is the lag, and sometimes the laser beams bend into me Otherwise it can be quite fun
I less than 3 splazors, and on thursday my first game was tsplazors on standoff, and I was liek omgwtfbbq
me and Matty were in MM the other morning and had a Team SpLazers game ... it was totally boring and failed at life. It was like Team Rockets but in ultra slo-mo ... Just my opinion though ...
As easy as it is to kill someone with the splazer beam, charging and timing take a significant amount of skill. Too many people rely on the splazer's scope for targeting, and unless you're in Big Team Battle, the crossfire will almost guarantee that you won't have more than a second to stay zoomed in. You just have to get used to aiming with that normal, horrible splazer reticule.
the fact that bungie actually added a team splazors gametype to the double xp weekend just shows that theyve still got it as programmers, I was ecstatic to see it and I actually didnt have any problems with lag
Best game type ever. I love the spartan laser now i can own with it in matchmaking without it having to spawn! Kick ass.
I've never played this but it must be annoying when in 1 v 1 combat and having to wait 3 seconds per shot!
I hated this gametype and wasn't really happy with the while playlist. Any game on Standoff was garbage. The most spawn kills I have ever seen happen in a single game. Team Splasers doesn't really take much skill, as all you have to do to be successful is to find a camping spot at the back of your base and spawn kill...
agreed spawn camping wise. I was actually spawn killed 4 straight times without having a chance to move. Ridiculous. But that was with snipes, lasers obviously couldn't be that bad.
I liked the Team Laser Game, then again, I only played one game and I was MVP, although it was fun playing it on Isolation. That previous statement probably is the opposite of so many people, but I did like it.