Considering everything that has been said in this thread so far regarding how much videos of games help advertising and such, I doubt this bill will pass. At least in its current state. Too many companies that this will negatively affect, not to mention the multitide of people who use this medium, will fight against it and demand that it be changed to only apply to what its intended to be applied to; movies and TV. It is ridiculous that the government would overlook something as significant as this, but fear not, kiddies, we will be fine. The internetz will be fine. Your achievements will be fine.
Honestly this bill is so stupid if it was passed I'd have to go punch some ...dogs...acorns...someone give me something to
While they're at it, why don't they make a bill that makes it illegal to record videos taken on public property; I mean, it isn't the recorder's buildings. How about taking videos on the recorder's own property; I mean, the materials used to construct the recorder's house probably isn't theirs + there is bound to be a copyright on things including the seeds to plant their grass, etc... Why not just ban video recording entirely? See how this connects to how absurd video capture banning is?
So, lets hypothetically say that someone basically made another YouTube, but made it in... say Germany (or any country not part of the US). Would the bill, if passed, affect that site being as it is not an american site but may potentially be in English and accessible to americans? I guess my point is, would this just sensor american sites like YouTube, or would it globally sensor the internet.
Amen. Here, for all of you freaking out, chill. Read some stuff from here: Edumacate urselfs What're you going to believe, what you read for yourselves or this guy? Also, a comment from someone on that site I found hilarious and yet sadly true: "It’s funny. These companies have enough money to throw six digit figures Senators to pass this bill, yet they’re worried about losing money to Youtubers. This just screams hypocrisy."