If any of you heard, Bungie is selling Bags of Swag and they can contain some old, rare, and random, Bungie stuff. They were sold out when i found out about them but if anybody got them, feel like listing your winnings?
DUDE THEY SHIP INTERNATIONALLY. They mentioned that in their post about them, and they were $35. I don't know what you guys use in Ireland.
Thing is is not every bag is the same they said. But yeah, I'm curious as to what anyone got if they did get one. Bungie tweeted that they will have more available soon, so keep an eye open. I really want one.
Im interested to know, if anyone got one, what kind of things were in the bag. Ive heard that in some bags the content within far outweighs the asking price. Also, in some bags theres Zunes. Interesting... So, has anyone picked up a bag yet?
I missed out, maybe a guy will resell them on ebay, without taking the good stuff outta the bag. i met this jack-Blam!- on B.net who ordered 50
Yeh, but the **** thing is, you know he's going to sell them at an inflated price, and people are going to buy them. And whether of not he takes all the good items out is totally up to him, unless the bags are sealed and opening it would compromise its price. Still, thats a douche move on his part.
Ok if anybody bought multiples and doesn't need/want the second one, I will buy it off you and pay shipping because i desperatly want one, i cant tell you how many times i refreshed Amazon to try and get one, also, It would be my birthday present to myself lololol
TLR - you arnt going to be able to buy one cheaply or safely... im pretty sure that if they waited there and constantly refreshed the page for hours to buy as many as they can then they arnt going to turn around and sell it... especially only at cost. Considering the EXTREMELY HIGH DEMAND, the rare and exclusive contents of some bags worth well over 30$, and the randomness of each bag its pretty difficult to just sell the bag. chances are that ppl selling a bag will have opened and looked through it, gathered the rarities for themselves, then just throw in an XXL shirt or a toy that they dont want to replace it- then the buyer is unknowingly ripped off... no one will sell something for cheap when there could be a $200+ item inside [and knowing that each bag has goods equal or greater to 30$ according to bungie], especially when there was a 777 limit on the bags (meaning the chances for a rare item are 1 in 777, aka a pretty good chance) so you arnt going to be able to get one for cheap, or get one without getting ripped off by someone- even if it is your birthday
He's right. If someone bought multiple bags its because they wanted it, or want to be assholes and take all the good stuff out, but still sell a bag for a lot more than what they paid for it. So youre either looking at no bag, or a bag at an extremely inflated price. Also, gonna sound nooby, but what the hell is TLR? Ive been it a few times and cant figure out what it means.
Thanks for clearing that up. Yes. Quite. It'd be even more funny if it were a bag with another bag inside it. Then they could call it "Bungies Bag of Bag." *rolls eyes at self*