Infection Spawning Issue

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by McD9134, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. McD9134

    McD9134 Forerunner

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    Now for those of you reading this you probably think I'm a noob because this is a common problem for them, but I do know how to set infection spawning. The problem I am having I have had a couple time before and have tried to fix it on my own to no avail, and just accepted the map as it was even though its not how I wanted it.

    For some reason when I begin to place my spawns if I don't do the infection spawns first it has the humans and infected spawn at the regular red and blue spawns instead of the specific spawns I have placed for them, I always forget that I have to do them first because almost immediately after finishing the geometry I go to the basic spawning to test slayer game play and map flow. And I don't really want to delete All of the spawns just for a few infection spawns. Before I just let it be, but it always irritates me on Symmetrical maps.

    Am I doing something wrong? Missing a step, taking the long way? How is it done by you? I'm just tired of having to settle for it that way.
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    You ARE giving the infected and human spawns the proper labels, right?
  3. McD9134

    McD9134 Forerunner

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    Yes... at least its worked so far in the past. have Infected be blue and label being Inf_Spawn and the Humans either Red and Inf_Spawn or Red and Inf_haven. that ha worked for me in the past as long as I place them before regular red and blue.

    the Haven one is what some one else said to do, I usually use only inf_spawn
    #3 McD9134, Jul 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I believe Inf_haven needs to be attached to a hill marker. And so long as the map doesn't need to be compatible with other gametypes, I don't think the spawns need the label Inf_spawn.

    Edit: Scratch that last part, didn't see that you used other gametypes as well. Otherwise I'd just check through the map and make sure all the spawns have proper labels.
    #4 Plasma Blades, Jul 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
  5. McD9134

    McD9134 Forerunner

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    I try and make it a GTs. I got the humans to spawn right though an unconventianal way, but it didn't work for the zombies. I used an infection label anti zone on both regular team spawns (and the red team still spawns correctly in other gametypes.) But that still has the Infected spawn problem.
  6. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    To make sure that an object only appears and functions in a specific gametype, you must give it a label from that gametype and set Gametype-Specific to "True".

    So you need to give your Infection-specific spawns the INFECTION label (or INF_SPAWN, doesn't matter) and make the spawn points gametype-specific.

    This also works both ways. To stop your Slayer spawns from being used in Infection, you must give them the SLAYER label (or any other label from Slayer, i.e. FFA_ONLY) and make them gametype-specific.
  7. McD9134

    McD9134 Forerunner

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    the "slayer" spawns are also being used by every objective game type like team oddball, CTF, Assault, .etc
    and game type specific (for me) only make it work with infection (built in) and no infection variants, like fat kid (which I don't like) and even Safe haven. but I found another unorthodox way to spawn the zombies, but it takes up the total item room (every thing including objectives, spawn setting, weapon/vehicles, and objects) so I wound still like a more simple solution.

    I will try and see if it works for me this time. Hopefully it will.
  8. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If those other replies still dont help, make sure you're in infection and not basic editing! I know it sounds like a stupid mistake but I've seen people do
    it before!
  9. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    Once upon a time, I had the same issue. You just need to set your Red and Blue slayer/objective spawns to "TEAM_ONLY". That will solve all your problems.

    Infection is an FFA gametype with fake "red" and "blue" teams for the humans and zombies respectively, so spawns labeled "TEAM_ONLY" will not be used.
  10. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    FYI, Infection will not recognize nor spawn either FFA_ONLY nor TEAM_ONLY labeled objects.

    BTW, your solution is the best one for nearly every case. Invasion, Invasion Slayer, Race, Rally, and Infection will not use TEAM_ONLY (nor FFA_ONLY) spawn points.
    #10 MrGreenWithAGun, Jul 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2011

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