That doesn't matter. Objects with little lights on them will affect framerate even if you can't see them.
Oh. well this platform is pretty much the whole map so hopefully it won't lag. I tested it by myself in customs and it was fine. But the likelihood of framerate lag usually increases with more people so I don't know, we'll see.
He could make it a haloball variant and use the floor as the goal point? I dunno, havent played around with forge for a while now due to my xbox not being hooked up to the interwebs.
just a bit of a warning, sadly i think it may be coming too late. In insane gametypes, anything labeled Skee_Ball_Obj will be deleted around the 55 second mark or so. these pieces then respawn based on the respawn time set on each piece. This means at around 55 seconds your whole map is gonna dissapear... this is why despawning objects just isnt realistic in a game. Even floormaster, you notice the whole floor goes away for a second
i thought that was a team sumo remake, and i got realy happy. god damn it why wont anyone remake it, (i would, but i need someone to co forge "hint hint")
If what your saying is true then I may have to speed up the process which would totally suck. If not, oh well, it didn't take too long to build. I'm not sure what you mean. This is a Sumo remake from the xbox game Fuzion Frenzy and it is team based.