I made this map on Highlands, it uses the red base area of the map, using it as a FFA map. The area itself works very well for gameplay without having to manipulate the surroundings to much. Containers, crates and roadblocks have been added for cover and aesthetics. The rest of the map has been blocked off by roadblocks and containers + soft kill barriers, with a hard kill barrier if you go to far, vehicles outside of the map are restricted aswell by hard kill barriers. I know non-forgeworld maps arn't always as popular, but this map has a good flow to it and balanced starting spawns and weapon locations. Give it a try and let me know what you think. Weapons on the map: Power weapons: - 1x sniper (1 spare clip) - 1x nade launcher (5 shots) - 1x shotgun (1 spare clip) - 1x machine gun turret Regular weapons: - 8x DMR - 4x assault rifle - 2x needle rifle - 2x plasma repeater - 1x plasma pistol - 1x needler - 2x magnum grenades on the map: - 1x 2 stickies - 1x 1 frag - 4x 2 frags The power weapon locations Spoiler The starting spawns Spoiler Pictures
To start I have to give you credit for creative an out-of-forgeworld-map. Most of the Blockage looks natural so nice job on that. And I think all the power weapons are placed in nice spots, except for the sniper which I don't really understand why its just laying on that rock. Otherwise nice thought and nice map.
I put the sniper there so its a bit out of the way, people actually have to go look up there if its there. Aslong as no one looks and picks it up, it doesn't come into play. Once someone picks it up, it will switch hands. Also, you can't see it from anywhere on the map except the back of the big rock/grass area, thus you cant sit in a power spot and go get the sniper every time it spawns. Same for the nade launcher and shotgun, the nade launcher is in a more public place but once you pick it up, you have no walls to bounce off nades there, so you cant stay there unless you are really good at aiming for the body. Shotgun is in the little cave i made, no one will come there except to get the shotgun, you cant camp there with it, you have to move around if you want to use it effectively. And really, 250 views, 1 comment and 0 downlaods? sad face
Again it is nice to see a non-forgeworld variant. They don't get much love here. I've given this a dl and a forge-fly though (run around) and I like what I see. You could spread the unusable vehicles out in the 'background', right now it looks like the parking lot everyone parked at when they got there. Other than that it seems like a cool FFA map.
Well its a convoy that came to a stop due to a blockade, so thats why they are in a line. Thanks for taking a look at the map, its sad to see so little people that can appreciate a good non forge world map just because "they know whats there, they've seen it". The map plays smoother then any forge world map simple because it doesn't exist out of blocks and walls merged together, no frame rate issues or weird pieces and it also has perfect aesthetics ;]]
this little section of the map (being blocked off) reminds me a little of powerhouse... creative... but where you blocked the rest of the map off, it doesnt look too astonishing. of course, you can only do so much with the pieces given. its a good idea, but since its not completely original and most of the map is already there, id give it an OK-- 6/10
Thx, i'm actually working on the same map but on forge world, once i'm done, i will see how many comments i get on that Its funny people keep complaining about the lack of colors in forge world, but when maps like these come up, no one bothers with it.