Lol this map looks really good. I am going to download it and play it with a bunch of peeps and see how well it plays.
I will have to try this new version with the "sitting ducks." I loved the original, still have it on my HDD. --dc
although a little hard at first once you get used to it it's really fun no matter how many players you have p.s. love the idea
congrats on the favorites! i play this every week onmy costom game week ends and every1 loves this... i started these costom games with playing the 3 featured maps barrle blaster this andsniper pit about 3 mounth ago maybe even longer and i thought these were the koolest maps and looknow every knows them. nice job.
This map is very playable. I reccomend this to anyone that plays a lot of custom games with their friends. 5/5 - Great work.
I just want to let you know, that this map has become my "Party Map". It was either Kiddie Pool or Box of Doom. But when you have 4+ players looking for something to do, this is it. I love this game.