Overview Liberty is a symmetrical map made for 1v1 and 2v2 matches with custom game-types for each. I spent many hours trying to make a custom CTF variant work on this map, but it simply wasn't happening, much to my disappointment. Regardless, the map has been through many changes since the last time many of you played it. Weapons, map geometry, spawns, you name it- they have all been improved. I am confident you will find this new version to be a massive improvement over the original. One last thing: The pictures don't really do the map justice. It has incredibly intuitive and effortless flow, map-wide skirmishes, and a solid sense of balance. Don't take my word for it- have a DL and see what you think. Download the custom game-types: 1v1 Game-type 2v2 Game-type (included above with map) Other recommended game-types: 3-Plots KoTH Oddball Static Weapon Set x2 Assault Rifle @ 30 sec | 1 spare clip x4 DMR @ 20 sec | 1 spare clip x2 Magnum @ 30 sec | 2 spare clips x1 Rocker Launcher @ 180 sec | 0 spare clips x2 Needle Rifle @ 20 sec | 1 spare clip x1 Spiker @ 90 sec | 0 spare clips x2 Fragmentation Grenade @ 45 sec x2 Plasma Grenade @ 45 secVariable Weapons: Symmetric game-types: x1 Grenade Launcher @ 120 sec | 2 spare clips Custom Slayer game-types: x1 Custom Power-up (Radar) @ 120 secs | 30 sec duration Pictures That about wraps it up, kids. Remember, always believe in yourself!
I remember playing on this map a few days ago. From what I remember this map was great. The height variations made this map play great. You made very unique health pack stands too. When play testing not once was I spawned killed, spawn camped, or anything like that. The map also had a lot of cover which so many maps lack. You were actually able to escape from fire in a battle. Overall this map was great, and I can't wait to see more of your new creations.
I remember playing on this map, what like.. 2 days ago? Anyway although I was getting massacred, It was a hell of a great map and was a lot of fun. I love the use of objects and the aesthetics. I also loved the double fountain. Great Job. <3 Squidman
Ooooh,Berb Like! Seriously though, this looks kick -Blam!-. It looks like you fixed all the action in the middle 'cut through' room by adding those lifts from the bases. It seems alot bigger than the last time I played on it, which is good
This has been a pleasure to play on, and we have had some great games on here ( you didn't mention how good it is for 8 player FFA Oddball Focus riffle looks interesting, I always have liked it at close quarters, and that nade launcher was just too bouncy. I think this will go far man, I know I enjoyed it!
Yep yep yep. I remember playing on this not too long ago. It was a very fun, free flowing map. It had lots of color and the sightlines were evenly broken up. I really don't have a single complaint about this map, really. I liked the purple colored theme in the middle as well. Oh and did you fix those areas where we could get out of the map? I'm not sure if there were places you didn't have kill-zones or if they were there,it's just that everyone was sitting inside them for 10 secs. Anyways, great job. Looking forward to seeing more.
Playing on this map was really fun! the colors are awesome and the aesthetics are great. The layout of the map is also very cool and you used alot of unique pieces. I had a blast playing on this. The only problem i found is when marcass jumped to a ledge below the map, so hopefully you put a kill boundary there. Shouldnt be a big deal anyway. Great job on the map, cant wait to see more!
You definitely cannot get outside the map anymore I made sure to double-check all the soft-kills before releasing. If you even think about jumping out to the cliff on red side (which was how everyone was getting up there), a friendly hard-kill awaits you. I'm glad you guys all liked the map. I finally got CtF working properly yesterday (on a 3v3 nonetheless!), which was the last thing I needed to do before posting. Thanks to everyone who helped me with all the tests and ideas- I'll update the OP with a list of shout outs. Caucasian Invasion - I was not told of this...where on the map was this ledge? There are a lot of kill boundaries below the level, including a hard-kill not to far off the ledge. The only place I remember anyone getting out onto a ledge was near the lifts which, while it wasn't a very safe place to hang out, has been fixed.
Yes i was talking about the ledge under the lifts. Your right it isnt a very safe spot, which is why i said it shouldnt be a big deal, but its nice to see you updated and fixed it.
Don't sleep on this map, it's incredibly fun and plays more naturally than 95% of forge maps I've seen.
Sorry it took me so long to get in here and post on this. Liberty is a very fun 2v2/3v3 map. I've gotten a number of games on it over its development and I think you have brought it along quiet nicely. The games have a good pace to them, and the weapon set works well on the map. My favorite gametype on here is multi-flag, it just has such a good back and forth push, and requires teamwork to get the flag cap. Overall its a really fun map, that i've enjoyed playing on, and look forward to playing on again.
Played this with you the other day during Nutduster's spontaneous TGN. I have to say, I think this map looks better in person, I really didnt like it from the images, but I changed my view on this when I played it. I do however think that the map is too small for the Flag game we played. I would suggest either editing the game settings or making the map a bit larger to accommodate your spawn system.
We played a couple of 2v2 games on this about a week ago, but i've been too lazy to post feedback lol I'm usually not a fan of 2v2 maps, because gameplay almost always revolves around camping high ground positions (see Elysium) but have to say that this one surprised the hell out of me. It was fast, intense, and we utilized just about every inch of the map. There a multiple entrances to every area, plenty of tactical jumps, and beautifully crafted and thought out sightlines. The aesthetics also did a great job of orienting you on spawn, and helping players new to the map such as myself wrap there head around it quickly. Needless to say, I really enjoyed playing on this. You've managed to make a 2v2 fan out of someone who usually overlooks these kinds of maps. Well done sir.
I tested this map quite few times, actually. With you in the game 99% of the time. It plays really well for an 'L'-shaped map, and well in general. I ove the bright feel you put in the map, so it seems like theres an FX when there isnt. Keep up the good work, Lynx!
I"ve pretty much given up on the possibility of getting a good spawn system working on this map for flag in it's current state. The size and design of the map just doesn't allow me to do it. I've been mulling around the idea of reworking the entire map to make it 1.5x larger, allowing it to support 3v3 much more comfortably and improve spawns for objectives while still maintaining strong 2v2 competitive play.
If you want the spawning system to work for these games that may be a good option. Keep Liberty for 2v2 slayer matches, make the second version of liberty more dedicated to team objective games. Maybe you dont need to enlarge it all though, just add rooms and halls. That would provide extra routes and spawn locations for people. Just a thought.
It's been tweaked since I played on but definitely for the better. I'm glad you opened up that flag room area a bit. My only complaint is that the floor looks a little strange the way the pieces overlap in some areas, but I know it has to look that way in order to walk smoothly. I also agree that maybe one or two more pathways to navigate the map would open it up a bit. Overall great map.
Bump for justice! Liberty has been completely overhauled in a couple areas, and tweaked in just about all of them. Please take the time to check out this newest version if you liked the original. A big thanks to everyone who has given me feedback on the map and enjoyed playing it (or not) as much as I have enjoyed making it for you. Edit: Do'h! I wonder if anyone will notice the mistake I made in the new post...
This is a great map that I believe everyone should have on their hard drive. I'm a little sad that I missed out on this map the first go around. If you are looking for a great 2v2 map, then this is a must download. I would say there are very few maps that are able to utilize every square inch but you have really accomplished that feat. Because you have so many different ways to each section, it keeps the games fresh and makes no one area too powerful. Gosh I wish I could give you more constructive criticism on this map but I just can't think of anything bad to say. Also, the pictures do not do this map justice, I believe that is why I missed out on this gem the first go around. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Hey everyone, Liberty has been nominated for the most recent Forge Hub Favorites. I just want to thank everyone again for the support and for helping me test and refine this map from the beginning stages all the way to its final form. If you've enjoyed this map in the past or recently, please take the time to send a nom my way. Thanks.