Halo 2 Foundation, as close as i could get to the original, spawns, weapons, ammo count, objectives all the way you remember plus new game types. also check my Warlock remake and my remake of The Pit Hope you enjoy :-D MULTI-TEAM CRAZY KINGFoundation 1x1 by dt192 SCREENSHOTS
Gave this a download along with your pit remake. I like your accurate remakes of the classics. The memory lane map im working on currently is a mix between the pit, guardian and construct plus gimmicks from other designs. I would like to forge this with you and your knowledge of the maps structures and exclusive detail. If interested message my GT: Matty the IV
@Matty the IV - yea ill add you now, yea i'm very happy with my pit remake, Forge Hub played it in one of their Saturday Night Fight's which is cool @AboveHaloMaster - Thanks i've played quite a few games on it now and it plays like original, you should download the H2/3 Pro Gametypes from my fileshare too, one of them is set up for 4 shot, makes it feel even better :-D
Very good. I felt like some of the walls were a little busy texture wise, but I think your choices for construction are really solid. The rooms are great looking. My only real complaint are the rocks in the middle. The pill box had a recessed floor around the sword platform, which doesn't come across well with the rocks- that and they stand out horribly from an aesthetics point of view. I'd like to seem them simply as incline pieces.
I wouldn't boast about the whole "1x1 remake" thing. From the pictures alone I can see several flaws (something "1x1 maps" don't have, don't take this as coming of as rude, I'm just giving advice); on the bright side, however, this is one the better Foundation remakes of seen. I like how you did the back rooms.
@pajama dad - I am a rock hater myself actually BUT, in this case it really was the best thing to use, because i wanted to capture the feel of the dirt mounds inside and have them give the same viewing angle through the slits: [mouseoverimage=http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff365/dt192/foundationsmallswap.jpg]http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff365/dt192/foundation1small.jpg[/mouseoverimage] as for the dip, yes i would have rather have had a dip but it would have ment using a lot more parts for the floor because the dip is a hexagon shape, but maybe ill try to delete some bits out and fix that at some point, but yea i get your point and I concur @The Trivial Prodigy - It's more of a tag than a boast to help people find my maps and 1x1 doesn't mean 1:1 anyway but thanks for the naming advice, I'll file it, I'm glad you liked the remake I try to get them as close to 1:1 as i can i made sure the sniping angles out of the rooms matched the original and tried to make the bland rooms look more interesting while keeping their size and shape
I downloaded and played with your map myself to see what I could come up with... And I have to agree with you. Using rocks to get the dip would be a real pain. And if rocks are to be used, your method is perfect. When I remade the map I chose to simply have the dip out in front of the pill box by a bit- you can check the link in my sig for your self. Though, I'd like to go back and rework the rooms like you have them- give them all an individual look rather than have them all the same save for a lights and color.
@pajama dad - I downloded your map when you first listed it anyway, your map confused me, parts of it looks like you took lots of time and care on and other parts look thrown together, I really really loved the roman numerals, I totally would have stolen that idea if i had had the budget for it, but the rooms were a bit of a let down, but more so just the entrances to the rooms but overall i think you did a great job, I think reworking your rooms and room entrances would improve the map a great deal so thats a great idea, It was actually you listing yours that reminded me that i still need to add my game types and list mine lol otherwise it would still be sitting on my xbox harddrive gathering dust, this classic version of the map is actually taken from a Foundation Remix that i'm working on, so i'll give you a shout when that one is listed and you can tell me what you think of it, what made you pick foundation to remake? have you made lots of maps?
I wanted the rooms to stay as simple as possible so that I could keep budget open for the rest of the map where the majority of the fighting would take place. Also, I generally can't stand the way forgeworld looks unless I use juicy in conjunction with colorblind or next gen... and I wanted a kill ball right at the top of Jetpack range just for kicks. If I removed those I'll probably go back and rework the rooms (at the least the red and blue ones) for some individuality. Then, theres the fact that I've done the map three different times... first was glitch erased because I'm a moron. Second was intended to be a tweak of one I downloaded but turned into a complete overhaul (literally every piece erased and reforged)- that was glitch erased, again because I'm a moron. And the one posted is the third one... probably feels rushed in some places because it was. I was frustrated at having to do it again. I've actually done a number of simple maps of my own, just little things to play with my sons. Then I started school up again, and have since resorted to finding cool maps and tweaking them for my own purposes (gotta be able to play smoothly split screen with my kids). I remade foundation because its simple and crazy fun and I hadn't found one that wasn't complete garbage, but that only applies to the first time. Since I lost my original there have been a few pretty good versions. I would have done a turf remake, but I'd already found an excellent one that only needed a few tweaks (again, I love the juicy and had to open up some budget for it).
yea i know what you mean, forgeworld looks soo horrible even the same forge pieces look so much nicer on tempest, as for the killball i forgot to say before i did actually have a kill ball in mine, in exactly the same place lol but yea with budget and that it had to go, lol yea i like the juicy/nextgen combo, but they are lag-a-licious :-( Hey Matty, i send you a FR on Xbox, havn't seen you about, what timezone are you in?
@morockshad: Hey Mo, thanks, it's good to know people are enjoying my maps, that's what it's all about :-D
After you posted this map I went and DLed the other Foundation remakes to compare. One thing that stood out to me was your attention to detail to the original in scale, look and feel for the map. The other maps were good, but attention to detail is for me what makes a great remake. Anyone can do a bricks and mortar remake but you took the extra effort to make this a great map. Really good work - ROCK
I would lower the amount of Fusion Coils in the middle as they have had a significant power boost in Halo Reach, that middle area looks like a death pit. And I am disappoint of the lack of Warthogs and Ghosts in the central area, they provided cover and crazy moments. All in all awesome remake, definitely the best yet.
Agreed. It plays really well with the classic movement and jump settings. I built mine to play with standard reach speeds, but have since been playing more classic style at home with my kids and really appreciate the difference in scale of the two versions.
@Veiled Jester Your in luck i checked the map and there is enough money for the Warthog and Ghost, just pop into forge and add them it will take you 2 mins and while your there you can remove the coils, although as in the original they only spawn once anyway so if your heading towards center just shoot them out and you wont see them again for the rest of the game anyway :-D @pajama dad Glad you enjoy it, I sent you an Xbox freind request so we can have a game some time
Sure thing. But I must warn you... I'm right on that cusp between "meh" and "mediocre" when it comes to reach. So, you'd best be playing for fun when you play with me as I guarantee no wins.
@whoelz: Hey Pops, It's all good, unlike some sad nubs on here I don't see map making as a competition, I think your map is great i hope it gets lots of positive comments and DLs @pajama dad: Lol it's cool I play to have fun not to builld a K/D ratio lol, I look forward to it :-D
I always play to win mind you. I just don't always manage that. Part of my problem is not having a group of friends to play with. All my Halo 2 buds moved on the CoD. And my boys aren't the greatest teammates when they sign on as guests (though I have seen my three year old do some impressive things).
Hello! Great job on this map. I don't know if everyone has appreciated just how accurate this remake is or how much time and effort goes into each forge. Everything looks perfectly measured, and great choice of pieces in this forge. I really like the look of using 2 doors together and the mounted machine guns placed on the railings. Great job
Just played on this today after I finished gathering as many good remakes as I could find. This is probably the nicest one (I have found) so far. As for gameplay it worked really well. I will most likely test it again seeing how the person I was playing with wasn't the greatest and couldn't figure out that there was a death barrier in the air(he was using jetpack). As for looks I love how each of the bases has a different look to them instead of them all being the same. Overall great remake! P.S. Just wondering, but I remember a map on Marathon: Durandal that looked like Foundation. Is Foundation the spiritual succesor to said map?