I finally got a product that looks almost complete but I don't know what to do with it. Its a small 1v1 & 2v2 map. Convoy is a inspired map from about 4 games in-general. (Cryris 2, Duke Nukem Forever, Halo 3 & CoD:BO). Yeah that was a mouthful. Not confirmed for a release. Just an Idea. Here's the product so far, please make suggestions and if your interested with working on this map please send an FR to Lil Devil9597. Again, please make some suggestions on what you think I should make changes to or add.
For starters, I would say that the top portion of the map looks like a barren wasteland! I would try and add some cover to that portion of the map. Also, and this has nothing to do with gameplay,I would suggest walling off the top of the map with brace larges instead of just having the walls.
Definitely needs some work, not the kind that I can suggest, though. I absolutely LOVE the layout and the look so far. I hope you realize that I'm totally remaking this right now. Just kidding. Oh, and I am very much interested in working on it with you.
I'm probably good for a co-forge. at least if you are willing to do gametypes when it comes around to it.
Well if you can'y find anyone else that would like to do it, I would be willing to finish up any remaining geometry to make the gameplay good.
Definitely add more cover and rooms. There's too much open space. It looks like all you have is a big square room with a few bridges and walkways.
if you want my 2 cents, I would suggest adding a colonnade between the 'hogs and the main road, and perhaps placing a scorpion in the main road or a couple of hogs definitely add a lot more cover to the top, but you are probably already working on that I also really feel like you need to separate the area in picture three into at least two and probably three rooms and add another two entrances, even if one of the entrances is a pair of teleporters and you need more ways to the top as for what I like (as I won't just leave you with negatives): the map is very clean aesthetically and should translate well into gameplay if you do the spawning anywhere half-decent (not too hard) the map is split fairly well into two levels which should provide an interesting mix of gameplay with an emphasis on jet-packs, but where jet-packs won't dominate the ladder is very obvious and I am assuming functional I apologize that my suggestion list is longer than my encouragement list, but I realize that it is a work in progress so that is the only reason why, as you complete the map most of those suggestions will turn into things well done since your map looks to have a solid base
I really like the design, it looks mighty intresting. I also love the bridge, it's just really cool to look at. Also, under the bridge it looks like there's a missplaced 'cover' piece? I'm not sure if you did that on purpose or whatever, but from the angles from the photos it kind of looks out of place. All in all, I cannot wait to play this, whenever it's finished.