I'm in the process of creating a labyrinth/obstacle map, at a certain point it will be required to pick up an armor ability (jet pack) to continue into another area and progress thru the maze. The game would have more than one player at a time attempting to reach the end. Question, is it possible to place a single armor ability, but have it spawn a new one immediately once the original has being picked up? If so, how? I'm very new to forge and have only found limited information about the above scenario; I appreciate any help that can be given. Thank you in advance, Mauro
With weapons you could place the shortest possible respawn time (1) and set the runtime max to a higher number than the default (also 1, assuming you only physically placed one of this type of weapon). That way when the weapon is moved or picked up, another one spawns in that location (up to a total matching the max). Not sure if it works the same with armor abilities though as I've never had a reason to test it, but that's the only method I can think of.
Thank you for the quick response. I attempted this method; however, once I picked up the Armor Ability, it does not re-spawns even though I set it to just 1 second. It only came back once I died and my body de-spawned. Has anyone else experience this? Is there a way around it? Mauro
0.o I'm sorry, you lost me; how do you do that? I did, no dice. So, I assume there is no way around it?
Assuming you only require this armor ability in a single place, you could place all of the jetpacks in the exact same position, with physics set to normal, then set the run time minimum to 4. It will appear as though there is a single AA, and they will all respawn eventually, looking like there was only one, and it never left that spot.
Drop-spawns? Just have the weapon spawn in mid-air and fall to the ground after it spawns. (Place it as Fixed, then change it to Normal once it's hovering in midair on its own.) It's a trick that many Forgers use to simulate Halo 1-style weapon spawns. I don't know if it'll solve your AA problem, but it may be worth a try.
If you want a new one immediately after why not just place two in the exact same spot since the person can't pick up two at a time. I'm pretty sure armor abilities merge together the same way as weapons. If the AA is not spawning until the body despawns that should mean the run time max is low, meaning it can't spawn another one until the old one despawns. Run time max determines the maximum number of that object that can be on the map at a given time.
The AA counts as being on the map even when it is attached to a body. That body does not have to be alive.
DavidJCobb, I guess that was confusing. I know it counts while on the body the same way a destroyed vehicle counts or an empty weapon you're still holding counts. What I was trying to say is that he needs to make sure the run time max is above 1. broccollipie, I opened the screen yesterday and didn't think to refresh before posting. irsilli
lolk. <3 Pyro. Oh teh noes! This is teh spam! In order to prevent this, I will help out by saying a corpse takes exactly 34 seconds to despawn. Therefore, the respawn time of an AA is (34 + whatever you set) seconds.