COD Highrise + Gametypes UPDATED

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Voltage, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    UPDATED: COD Highrise + Gametypes

    Elevation v2
    An adaptation of CODMW2's "Highrise"

    Team Deathmatch | Domination | Sabotage | Capture the Flag

    Elevation is an adaptation of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2's "Highrise." By adaptation, I mean that it is not intended to be exactly like Highrise, hence the different name. It is not different enough to be considered "inspired" by Highrise, but is not a replica, so therefore it is not a remake. It is an adaptation, and I have taken the liberty of creating the map as I wanted. If you feel the map doesn't meet your standards of Highrise, feel free to download a different map or edit this one to your needs.

    Elevation is setup for most disc-loaded gametypes, including Team and FFA Slayer, Juggernaut, Infection, CTF, Assault, Territories, and Oddball. I have also created custom gametypes that replicate COD games. In all COD gametypes, the objectives and settings are set to be as close as possible to COD's. The map has spawn points for every team color, and utilizes static spawning for RvB games.

    Changes from v1
    - The bases have been revamped. Shield Doors replaced the Glass Covers. More "cubicles" have been added. Little offices have been added. Overall, the bases now work a lot more like the original map.

    - The vehicles have been removed. A crane has been built to replace the Falcon.

    - A few crates and barricades have been moved around.

    - Weapons have been added for normal Halo gametypes (they will not appear on COD gametypes)

    Weapons list
    - 1 Rocket - 1 spare clip - 120 s respawn
    - 2 Snipers - 1 spare clip - 100 s respawn
    - 2 DMRs -1 spare clip - 30 s respawn
    - 2 ARs - 2 spare clips - 30 s respawn
    - 1 Grenade Launcher - 1 spare clip, 75 s respawn
    - 1 Shotgun - 1 spare clip - 100 s respawn
    - 1 Machine Gun Turret - 90 s respawn

    No weapons will appear in COD gametypes

    Settings for COD gametypes
    - No weapons, turrets, or powerups on map
    - 90% speed, 90% jump height, no vehicle use
    - No shields, immune to headshots
    - 1 Frag and Sprint start
    - Instant kill melee
    - No visible name, no motion tracker
    - Friendly Fire off
    - Loadouts: AR, DMR, Magnum, Shotgun, Grenade Launcher

    Team Deathmatch
    - Slayer variant
    - No weapon pick up
    - 4 second respawn
    - 100 kills to win
    - 10 minute time limit

    - 3-Plots variant
    - Unlimited scoring, no contested scoring
    - 5 second territory capture time
    - 8 minute time limit
    - No weapon pick up
    - 5 second respawn

    - Neutral Bomb variant
    - 1 round, 20 minute time limit
    - 30 second sudden death
    - 5 second arm time, 60 second fuse, 5 second disarm time
    - 30 second bomb reset, bomb does not reset on disarm
    - 1 score to win
    - Weapon pick up enabled (required to pick up bomb)
    - 10 second respawn
    - Bomb carrier waypoint visible to everyone
    - Bomb carrier cannot use weapons, but can still sprint

    Capture the Flag
    - Speedflag variant
    - Flag carrier can use weapons and sprint
    - 2 rounds, 5 minutes each
    - Unlimited scoring
    - 3 second flag return, 30 second flag reset
    - Flag carrier waypoint visible to everyone
    - No sudden death
    - 10 second respawn

    *Note: The COD gametypes are not required for this map. This map works great for all regular Halo gametypes.











    #1 Voltage, Jun 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  2. monis 93

    monis 93 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Nice remake! Love the general layout of the map in both halo and COD. Great work Voltage. Only thing i could say really is that you could put in cranes for background/part of map if you want. Also are the vehicles drivable? Awesome map though.
  3. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    If you play with the included gametype, the vehicles are not drivable and are indestructible. If you want to play with normal Slayer settings, I suggest changing those two factors so the map is not broken.

    I considered adding the crane, but since this is more of an adaptation than a remake, I decided to leave it off. Mostly because it would be out of place in the environment. In COD it's on a skyscraper. In here it's on a hole in the side of a mountain. lol. So I kinda consider this version being a Spartan training center or something.

    Thanks for your feedback!

    (Also, your picture is awesome. lol.)
  4. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    have not seen a good remake of this map and this one is my first seeing it on the cliff... never thought of that myself but you did an excellent job of keeping it as close as possible i have already downloaded and i am playing this tonight with some friends.... keep it up man... the gametypes fine but i would have liked to see maybe a second link with a map that has the weapons on the map and a playable map,,, (no vehicles) so you can play it with every gametype so you don't have to make your own or download them (playable with the ones you start out with)
  5. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I dont like the innards of the base with the windows, but other than that I like this recreation quite a bit. I would suggest updating so the windowed rooms look better though. Oh, and add the cranes and such, makes the game more interesting.
  6. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks nothing like Highrise, it's like you NEARLY had it, but then most of it looks half assed.
  7. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    @ boomerdude
    Yeah, I probably should have included some weapons for normal gametypes. For some reason I didn't really think about that. I will put weapons on the map soon and update it. The custom gametype is set to not place weapons on the map, so adding them wouldn't affect the custom game anyway.

    I know the bases aren't close to the original, and I really don't even like them myself, but there wasn't a whole lot I could do with them. The breakable glass with blinds makes all the difference on the walls, and I'm not sure of a good way to build cubicles and still have good flow in the room. Do you have any suggestions as to how I could make them better?

    @LOL Master
    Can't tell if you're trolling or not... If you're serious -- Half assed? COD and Halo have major differences that really change how the map functions, notably ladders/staircases vs. ramps and breakable windows, so you can't build it to work just like the original. They're totally different games. The only major differences in layout are the bases and that I made the map completely symmetrical, rather than mostly.

    And duh, it's not going to look like Highrise. It's a Forged map. Asylum doesn't look anything Sanctuary, and it's even the same game series and made by professional developers.

    And keep in mind, it's an "adaptation" not a remake.

    I'll get to work on the cranes. Seems everyone wants them. lol
    #7 Voltage, Jun 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011
  8. l Got Rhythm

    l Got Rhythm Forerunner

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    Honestly, I didn't look at the map beyond the pics you posted. But maybe for game flow in the cubicles you could use shield doors in place of windows. That's really as close as you can get to CoD's window-shattering gameplay in terms of enemy accessibility.

    Also, good job, looks very similar to the real thing!
  9. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    v2 is up! Be sure to check out all the changes.

    - Weapons added for regular gametypes
    - Bases revamped (shield doors, more cubicles, small office rooms)
    - Vehicles removed
    - Crane added in place of Falcon
    - COD's Team Deathmatch, Domination, Sabotage, and CTF gametypes included
    #9 Voltage, Jun 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  10. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes, recreate the innards of them. I know you cant make breakable glass, but that wasnt my issue. I had problems with the face all the desks and cabnets you turned into some cover and a crate. Remake the low cover of the desks and cabinets if you want a remake.
    #10 Audienceofone, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  11. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    All pictures under the "Screenshots" spoiler are from V2. All the V1 pictures were deleted and replaced.
    #11 Voltage, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  12. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes, I noticed that afterwards, I must have missed the changed areas on accident. also, I still dont like the bases, the covers you used just dont look good to me in there. Its a wee bit better, and the crane was nice, but not much really changed. I would suggest either going to remake the bases, or getting help from someone who knows the MW2 map well. Also, the cranes I was referring to thatyou should add were the ones you could walk on.
  13. BlondishFiber

    BlondishFiber Forerunner

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    why have you made heasdshot immune???
    ypu aint that when u play any cod lol!
  14. ringOFtones

    ringOFtones Ancient

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    It's very well built but some things like the window singles for the fences don't seem right. It's a little hard to explain. Anyway it's very true to the original map but Some things that were of large aesthetic value in the map in mw2 aren't there, such as the red lighting in the bottom area and the fact that the buildings are short and not tall like the map in mw2. Im sure it plays the same and very well but just a few things to nit pick at.
  15. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    @ xAudienceofone

    I know which cranes you were talking about, but i felt this map would be better without the camping on the crane. And yes, I could have gone and made the cubicles more aesthetic, but I felt the covers worked just as well, so I went with the easier option. For this adaptation, most of the action is focused outside of the bases anyway, so it doesn't even make very big of a difference. And I do know the map well - When I built it, I had MW2 loaded on another Xbox. I didn't want to build an exact replica, though, and that's why not everything is precisely exact. It's not intended to be. I called it an adaptation for a reason. If you really want everything to be exact, feel free to take 10 minutes and edit the map yourself.

    @ BlondishFiber

    Enabling headshots makes the DMR and magnum incredibly overpowered. Without headshots, the DMR is 3-shot-kill, which is better for gameplay. If you prefer to have headshots enabled, it will take 3 seconds to change that setting in custom games.

    @ ringOFtones

    There is a red light at the bottom, but because I used grass instead of forge pieces for the floor, it doesn't show very well. I could have made the buildings taller, but it would have gone into the rocks, so I wasn't sure that would look any better. There isn't much else you can use for a fence other than windows. The reason they may not seem right though is because in MW2, one side is a solid wall and one side is fence. In this map, I made them both fences.
    #15 Voltage, Jul 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2011

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