Description Armory DMRs x2 (1 clip) Assault Rifles x2 (1 clip) Shotguns x2 (1 clip) Needle Rifle x2 (1 clip) Needler x2 (1 clip) Plasma Repeater x2 Armory is far from the cabin, there is one mongoose if it gets destroyed it will not spawn again. Players 5 zombies (FULL PARTY) - Spawn in Cave 11 Humans (FULL PARTY) - Spawn near Cabin Notes This map and gametype is made specifically for teamwork. Purple FX turns on in 1 minute Props/Credits Thanks Insamniac for the FX and stairs ideas. Images
I like the disign but it seems like a pain to have to walk all the way across hemmorage with little cover for a small chance to infect someone.
Good job on crediting Insanmiac. Of course i love that you want to follow in his infected foot steps. But you do need make something that is personal and completely on your own, original. Develop a story and then forge what you think the story would look like. (example)- A lab had a chemical spill and a group of marines go to retrieve the survivors. You would then design a laboratory and make it for infection; except with your own twists. Although about your map, you really need to move the side cabin/ house closer to the main house. Keep Forging!
Thanks for the input, I'm now inspired in to making that lab you just spoke of lol. I will take your words in to consideration. EVEN BETTER! I'll make a map where you crawl through vents! Gordon Freeman FTW!