Cat N Mouse! (not what you think, check it out)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by aRealClassAct, May 14, 2008.


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  1. aRealClassAct

    aRealClassAct Ancient
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    Download Gametype
    Download Map

    Introduction: Welcome to Cat n' Mouse! A fun juggernaut based gametype utilizing a map with a mouse trap! I know all this reading may be intimidating for some, but bear with us, and we promise you will enjoy this game. In this game, players control mice (non juggernauts), or a cat (juggernaut). The cat is very strong and resistant to the efforts of the mice attempting to rid themselves of him. The mice may be weak, but they have numbers and teamwork on their side!

    Cat Traits: As the cat, you will find you are 15% faster that mice, 2000% resistant to damage, immune to headshots, you have infinite ammo, and your radar stretches 25 meters. However, you can not jump over most small obstacles, you cannot pick up any weapons, and your health does not regenerate. Cat spawns with a shotgun and a magnum, first player to die becomes cat.

    Cat Objectives: It is your job to rid the house of rodents. You will find that upon killing a mouse, the mouse will respawn inside a cage in the center of the map with an opening that is too high for the mouse to jump out of. It is your job to trap all the mice inside this cage by killing them, one by one. Do this and the game is won (end game as a cat victory). This may sound easy, but here is the catch. Mice that have not yet been captured are able to employ the use of a gravity lift and free their fellow pests from the cage, which means you have to start all over.

    Mouse Traits: As a mouse, you will notice that you are able to jump over many things that the cat cannot jump, allowing you to reach secure hiding places and utilize shortcuts to escape the cat. You have infinite ammo, a 10 meter enhanced radar, and the ability to pick up weapons once you access them (more on getting weapons in the map characteristics section). You are immune to headshots, have infinite ammo, and spawn with a Battle Rifle and an Assault Rifle. Unfortunately the cat is a bit faster than you, and very hard to kill.

    Mouse Objectives: Your objective in this game is to avoid being captured and kill the cat. Upon the cat dying, the game ends as a mouse victory.

    Map Characteristics: The map includes 4 weapons for the mice to utilize, a Brute Shot, Fuel Rod Cannon, Sniper Rifle, and Rocket Launcher. All 4 weapons will have infinite ammo, but should you die and lose it, it will NOT respawn. These weapons are barricaded inside of 4 crates, all accessible to the cat so he can do his best to prevent you from getting better weapons with which to kill him. If you are killed you will respawn inside a cage. Another non-captured mouse must grab the one grav lift on the map and use it to free you from your cage and prevent the cat from winning. Every 3 minutes, a custom power up will spawn in an area only accessible to the mice. This power up gives you a 25% speed advantage over the cat, as well as boosting your damage output to 300%. It will, however, put a waypoint over your head and make you visible to the cat.

    Starting Gameplay: At the beginning of the game, al players will spawn inside the cage as mice with one grav lift on the floor (this grav lift will not respawn). Use the grav lift to exit the cage, then begin slaying, first mouse to die will spawn in the cage as the cat. Use the grav lift to get out and hunt down the mice. Make sure to kill somebody quick or the grav lift will despawn and the cat will spawn inside the cage with no means to get out, meaning gameplay wont start until the game is restarted or a mouse throws a grav lift to the cat.

    Conclusion: This is a VERY fun gametype when played with 4-6 people, and I hope you enjoy it.

    Creators: aRealClassAct & Shadow1One

    Side view of the mouse cage.
    One of the four weapon crates. This particular shot is a front view of the sniper crate.
    This shot is of the teleporter entrance, which will take you to the platform housing the grav lift.
    Shot of the teleporter exit and the grav lift used to free mice from the cage.
    #1 aRealClassAct, May 14, 2008
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your map is not up to forgehub standards, please read - How to post maps
    You cant just describe to us the map you must show us with pics
  3. aRealClassAct

    aRealClassAct Ancient
    Senior Member

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    didn't see that pics were mandatory, will repost with pics soon
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Yes they are, pics are the most important thing. You wont get in trouble if you post pics with minimal description but when the roles are reversed the thread can become locked.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    they are the SECOND most important, thing, a download link is the first. besides, he has 24 hours to repost with pics.
  6. aRealClassAct

    aRealClassAct Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, pics added.
    Everyone enjoy! And of course, feedback is welcome.
  7. liamjedimaster

    liamjedimaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great job man this looks great you've got my dl :)
  8. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    nice job map never seen cat n mouse on foundry :)
  9. Qc Is PWNinG

    Qc Is PWNinG Ancient
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    Looks okay... I'll dl it ant test...
  10. provomit

    provomit Ancient
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    Looks interesting that a cat n mouse game to be in a juggernauts varient i may try it out
  11. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    I would suggest a different name, it might get cinfusing
  12. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    Definitely an interesting concept...seems very thought out...I am not much of a fan of these game types but maybe i will give it a shot...DLing
  13. aRealClassAct

    aRealClassAct Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Make sure to grab both the gametype AND the map.
    According to bungie map has 1 dl and the gametype has 3.
    One is useless without the other guys xD

    Other than that, thanks for the support and feedback!

    I'd love to hear more of it once you've had a chance to run the game a couple times
  14. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    sooo its just like plain old cat'n'mouse, but they arent in vehicles, and the mouses can escape with help from another mouse. sounds like a mix between cat and mouse (obviously) and cops and robbers. ill dl.
  15. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    new take on c&m ill definitely try this
  16. xSlayeRx

    xSlayeRx Ancient
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    looks interesting
  17. IPokeNinjas

    IPokeNinjas Ancient
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    I Think you should change the name because theres already a map named that and its featured here and you wont be able to change that because so many people have dl-ed , other than that its ok.
  18. aRealClassAct

    aRealClassAct Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok so it needs a new name. How's Mouse Trap sound? lawl
  19. Kow

    Kow Ancient
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    This reminds me heavily of the Starcraft versions of Cat and Mouse with the jail and mice being able to get places the cat can't as easily. Kudos, definitely downloading.
  20. aRealClassAct

    aRealClassAct Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha actually, that's what influenced it! Map is a bit sloppy, but the gameplay is loads of fun.

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