
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DUCK NG, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Apollo is a symmetrical Narrows inspired map, designed for team based games (Red vs. Blue) . This is the very first forge map I created (although not the first I've released, Novus), I've been working on it for about 4 months now, and can say that I've learned a whole lot during its creation. I have no clue how many test games I've played on this now, but each one of those has helped to make the map better. Therefor I must thank all of those who have helped me test Apollo, I wish I could name them all, but frankly there are far too many to thank. I must however give some thanks to ChronoTempest for his feedback from the Testers Guild, for the roof design, and improvements to the lift area.

    During testing no one weapon or strategy ever seemed to become overpowered. The weapon set is balanced, but simple with only 3 primary power weapons two snipers, and a neutral rocket launcher. Games can be played with either AR, or DMR starts, as there are plenty of precision weapons around the map. The frame rate on Apollo is great, even for a bit of a large map with some long sightlines. I originally designed this for 4v4 primarily, but during testing I found that it worked great in 6v6 games as well. Hence the recommended players for Apollo is now set between 8 and 12 players.

    I will be releasing two versions of Apollo, the first is the standard weapons version, and the second is a mlg version that has a few changes to it compared to the normal version. Well now that you have some basic information/ramblings I'll get to the weapons list and pictures

    Weapon List
    DMR x 5
    Needle Rifle x 4
    Needler x 2
    Plasma Repeater x 2
    Plasma Pistol x 2 (60s)
    Sniper x 2 (120s) 1 spare
    Rocket Launcher x 1 (180s) 1 spare
    Sticky Grenade x 6
    Frag Grenade x 2
    Health Pack x 5

    Top Center
    Bottom Center

    Download Apollo

    MLG Version- setup for slayer, ctf, and bomb

    Weapons List
    DMR x7
    NR x4
    Pistol x2
    Plasma Pistol x2 (60s)
    Sticky Grenade x6
    Frag x2
    Health Pack x4
    Sniper x2 (120s) 1 spare
    Rocket Launcher (180s) 1 spare
    Evade (slayer, and ctf)

    Pictues (ones that show the differences)
    Top Center



    Download Apollo (MLG)

    Thank you for viewing, I hope you will find the map fun, and enjoyable to play and that it serves as a good competitive space for your custom games. If you have any feedback, thoughts, or comments about either version I would love to hear from you. Again, thank you to everyone who has helped me test Apollo, it wouldn't be anywhere near what it is today without your help. If your wondering what would be a good first game on Apollo, I would recommend either Team Slayer, or Multi-flag.

    Download Apollo

    Download Apollo (MLG)
    #1 DUCK NG, Jun 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    Brilliant overall map. There is not one place I went more than another; players were always moving around the map, using various weapons and strategies. Even though I stray away from MLG, I had a great time playing MLG 3 Flag on it. Out of all of the maps that we tested more than once, I loved this the most from our Tuesdays.
    Awesome job, Duck!
  3. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I agree with Broccolli, this is a great map with constant battles being waged on just about every part of the map. It supports 8 players perfectly and there is no frame-rate lag in sight, but the beauty of the design is that I, and many others, believe it could also support BtB without too much chaos. I find a 12 player max to be a bit conservative.

    Objectives, especially flag, are intense and rewarding experiences. I can't count how many times you'd get to the lift and think you were home safe right as an enemy caught up with you in the nick of time for the kill and flag reset. Territories was a lot of fun...well, at least for Blue team because we scraped Red so hard they cried like Lebron James after the Heat lost the finals.
    #3 Frozenlynx, Jun 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2011
  4. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    I am really liking this re-imagination of narrows! I like the addition you made with the side walkways going to the middle, and the roof is super sexy! I can't wait to get a game on this and try this bad boy out!
  5. BubblegumJam

    BubblegumJam Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Being a fan of the narrows i naturally loved this map. The overall arch was done well. I like how you didn't try to make it completely curved this especially works in the maps favor. Im glad to see this map released. Ill have to go play some halo 3 now to cure this case of nostalgia i have just contracted.
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You made this? LOLOL I had no idea. I have played this before and I remember ripping **** up on it. This is a great flowing map with a nice layout and I can clearly see the inspiration for this map. I like the use of objects on the map, as I've never seen such uses for inclines and bridges. Definetly a solid map. Keep it up bro.
  7. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great map. Gave me a new-found appreciation for Narrows-esque maps. I love the roofs on the bases and the locations of the sniper rifles, even though I didn't like them at first.
  8. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    A good map with a strong flow. I wish something could be done about the floating feel of the map, which only Bungie could fix due to budgetary restraint I assume, and some spawning I wasnt fond of, but as you said, MLG seems to like these spawns, which is what we played.

    I have always loved Narrows, but this is among the best Narrow's style maps because its not Narrows with new bases, its much more.
  9. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    I'm glad that I ventured into the compeditive section, this was a great find.
    I can definitely see the inspiration by Narrows which you had while creating this.
    I always enjoyed its layout and gameplay, and this puts a creative twist on an already legendary map. Very clean, and progressive forging.
    This has a spot on my hard drive.
  10. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank You for the comments and feedback everyone.

    First off I must say that Equinox and another guy managed to find a 2 problems with the map that could be exploited using jet packs. both were underneath the map near bottom center. Therefor I have fixed these issues and re-released Apollo, the download link is changed, and the picture of bottom center now reflects the simple changes. I'm suprised these never came up in any of the many test sessions but now it is fixed.

    I have to admit to being quiet honored by some of your comments in the thread, and am glad to see that many have enjoyed playing on the map.

    brocco- if you can have fun with a gametype that you don't even like then i'll call that a success. I'm glad you've liked it, because i think you've had quiet a few games on it by now.

    Thanks Chrono, i'm honored, and Thank you for all your help on the map, you gave me some excellent test feedback and helped shape what the map is today, so thank you.

    Frozen-- my recommended is 8-12, but I think it can handle +-4 of that, that being said i did change the min/max on the thread to reflect that fact although i went for the more conservative 6-14. Glad to hear that the territories game was a success, It adds a bit of extra interest to the map that it can play multiple objectives well.

    availablemoth- Thanks, I hope you like it, I'd love to hear back from you once you manage to get a game in on it.

    bubblegumJam- Glad I could bring back some good fuzzy feelings inside of you, and I hope that Apollo lives up to the expectations that you have for a map inspired by Narrows.

    Eightball- gotta admit your opening comment made me laugh, I'll take it as a positive as well. Thanks for the compliments, glad you enjoyed it.

    Thanks Nutduster, and sorry about that, I know I put you through many test sessions on this, just trying to get it right the first time around (almost worked lol)

    Thanks berb, glad i could convert you into liking the placement, that part of the map just needed a little extra insentive, plus it can make for a interesting battle to start the match.

    Audience- I know what you mean, but sadly any attempt to make it less floaty would probably bring about lag, so i'll take slightly awkward looking. Maybe I could say its a ufo that is poorly designed as a useful ship? I know what you mean about the spawns, you played the mlg version which dosn't have the full spawning system i designed for the map. The standard version has kick out spawns set up forward of the base for if the enemy over runs your base.

    Grim- Thank You that means a lot, I hope you enjoy any/all games that you get on Apollo.

    On a final note, this is just something I found surprising, my MLG version has more downloads than the standard (even when adding both together, with the re-released version). Granted I did post the mlg version on MLG's site, but it had more downloads even before I did that. Just kind of a head scratch-er for me lol.

    Again, to everyone who helped test, and to everyone who's commented thank you for your help and support. If any issues are found while playing please comment and tell me and I will fix them asap.
  11. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Apollo is a symmetric map that has taken influence from Narrows in Halo 3. The map features a bridge, serving as the main pathway between the two sides of the map but is supplemented by alternative routes using man cannons or the underside of the bridge. Action generally focuses in the center of the bridge and in the base area, but varies based on player movements and tactics, creating interesting gameplay. Objective games such as Capture the Flag and Assault play very well and offer a difficult objective. To complete these tasks players must cooperate, creating an immersive experience. Such games can become intense struggles to secure a flag capture or bomb plant which leads to a very fast and entertaining style of play.

    Most maps suffer from action concentrated on the same areas throughout the game, but Apollo does not have this problem. While some players may be drawn to certain areas either by power weapons or objectives, there still exists a variety of pathways between such centers of attention and successful players must make use of all of them. Because of this, all parts of the map are used and players will find themselves facing an entirely new scenario each game. This constant movement keeps action interesting and enjoyable on Apollo, furthering its replay value.

    Action on Apollo is plentiful and variable, keeping gameplay enjoyable and still tactical, appealing to a large variety of players. Even more casually inclined players will enjoy the Narrows-like bridge combat and variable gameplay they may recognize from Halo 3 while the main body of competitive players will enjoy the depth of gameplay and tactical opportunities that Apollo has to offer. The great variability of gameplay and well organized layout of Apollo will keep players satisfied for many games on this map.



    As a symmetric map, neither team is granted an advantage off of the spawn on Apollo. Throughout the game, three power weapons, which are timed on a drop spawn method, will be contested and will play a hand in map control. Each team is granted a sniper and the neutral rocket launcher lies in the middle of the map.

    While these weapons certainly offer the team that controls them an advantage, they do not grant that team an unfair bonus. Well placed cover and lines of sight keep the sniper from becoming too powerful and requires its owner to constantly shift positions to remain useful with the weapon. The rocket launcher placed in the bottom middle of the map is easily contested but offers the firepower one would expect from such a weapon. That being said, most areas of Apollo are inclined toward ranged combat, keeping the launcher from becoming too powerful. Many other ranged weapons such as DMRs and Needle Rifles are placed in fitting locations across the map to make sure that all players have access to ranged weapons to keep the game balanced. CQB inclined players can utilize the bottom of the map to remain safer from the ranged combat that defines most of Apollo, allowing more types of players to utilize their strengths on Apollo.

    No area of Apollo sees more action than another, as all areas see equal usage. Players will shift their attacks along the three different methods of traversing the bridge based on the scenario, preventing effective camping. As an example, if the top of the bridge is being surveyed by an enemy sniper, players can take the man cannons or use the underside of the bridge to flank and kill said sniper. Apollo's design ensures equal usage of all pathways and ensures that teams must be flexible when reacting to enemy attacks, as no area can be abused.



    Apollo prevents players from escaping through the use of many well placed kill zones. If anything, these kill zones appear to be too frequent and block off some areas that would not negatively impact gameplay. Whilst it is true that areas like these can only be accessed by jetpack toting players or otherwise determined trick jumpers, these areas do not offer any significant tactical advantage.

    Apollo is built in the sky, so any player who leaves the map will find that nothing but a watery grave awaits them should they escape or jump off. Frame rate problems are non-existent on Apollo despite the open lines of sight and spawning is very well done and spawning is almost perfect, suffering only from the very rare bad spawn. This is accomplished through use of multiple well placed spawn zones. Durability problems are very minimal and have little impact on gameplay.



    Although Apollo is easily navigated and has decent aesthetics, the does not have a distinct theme or atmosphere. While players can easily identify their location on the map through aesthetics, they do not serve any other purpose.

    Certain pieces for cover appear haphazard or out of place. Other pieces may seem to fit in nicely in some areas but stick out on the platforms that lie on either side of the bridge. The ramps that connect the underside of the bridge with the top have a corner that can catch a player, especially one preoccupied with the battle for the rockets that spawn in the area. Apollo’s aesthetics definitely offer orientation and do not look too sloppy, yet they do not provide much else.



    As one of many maps inspired by Narrows, Apollo doesn’t really offer anything new to the bridge approach, instead making great use of already established ideas. Many maps can trace their lineage to Narrows due to its popularity, already putting Apollo in a large crowd with little distinction.

    Certain features make this map different from other Narrows re-imaginings, but this list is small. While some features are more original such as the side path with the sniper that leads to the underside of the bridge, Apollo does not truly bring many unique concepts to the table. Other maps have been inspired by narrows with more unique approaches, making Apollo's best distinction its great gameplay.



    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 8.0x3.0 = 24/30
    Balance: 10.0x3.0 = 30/30
    Durability: 9.0x1.5 = 13.5/15
    Aesthetics: 5.0x1.5 = 7.5/15
    Originality: 3.0x1.0 = 3/10

    TOTAL SCORE = 78/100



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  12. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I only got to play this on KOTH which may not be the map's strong suit (and definitely not my strong suit) but it was still a lot of fun. The layout was intuitive and provided good limits on LOS. I would still vote for changing a few of the cover pieces for something that fits the theme as the review mentioned, but that's just a small gripe. Nice work duck.
  13. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the quick review Scorch, I never expected to receive a review that quickly. I have to agree with pretty much everything you said in the review, although I never expected to receive as high a score as I did, this being the first map i created (not first released). I think you saw what I was going for in the map, and gave it a fair review.

    Cyborg, I think your one of a couple that the KOTH was the only or first game that you had on the map, which is too bad. While KOTH works, it defiantly isn't the maps best game type since its better set up and suited towards 2 team games like ctf, assault and slayer. I hope you can get in a good game on the map to see what it plays better with.
  14. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    The map looks balanced with a good originality of objects but not in the map's inspiration but it is a opinion is all. I liked Narrows though so I easily had fun on this map and would say that it was definitively a great map for gameplay. You got a download my friend.
  15. omegawontons

    omegawontons Forerunner

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    its a good map, but im not a fan of how pointy the map is. looks like it has a good flow to it. ill give it a download and see how it plays, but id give it a 7 out of 10

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