Rage Quit

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Marcass2021, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Rage Quit, on Eruption. By Marcass2021


    The Objective:
    Be the first to drive to the very top of the hill and score in your team's goal. (just so you know, "****ing hard" is an understatement.)

    You Start in with a Mongoose (wait 20 seconds for the exit ramp to appear) and drive that up to the top of the main hills. Once you reach the top you will see a Blue Shiney shield Door with a teleporter in it. (DRIVE THROUGH THAT) that teleporter takes you to the warthogs. which of course are at the bottom of the hill just above the mongeese. Once in a warthog drive back up the hills and instead of driving through that teleporter again, drive up the steep final hill to score a point in your goal. (NOTE: only warthogs can make it up the final hill, it is too steep for a mongoose.)

    Watch out though, Land mines, teleporters, shield doors and Man Cannons are scattered throughout the map. O and also 10 kill balls constantly rolling down the hill in random patterns.
    (NOTE: you can NOT run up the hill, near the last part is a teleporter that will send you back down to the start, I would recommend staying in your vehicles at all times.)


    The Start!

    HOLD ON!

    Watch out!

    Those Pesky Man Cannons.

    Hahaaaa.. almost

    Second Hill

    Yeah... you're screwed.

    "Damn You Shield Door!".

    What Happens when you hit a teleporter?


    Muahahaha sooo close!

    Try All You want. You Wont Make It.

    Nice Job Dude!, Now Hit Up That Teleporter.

    O God, Not this again. (Warthog Start)

    Getting Close!

    The Final Stretch

    Yeeeeahhh Get Sommme.

    +1 (Goals)

    Have Fun, or Get pissed off, either way, I challenge you all to beat this. (even more so without a single death)
    #1 Marcass2021, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  2. ShadoWxmasSacrE

    ShadoWxmasSacrE Forerunner

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    This looks like a vicous map.....I'm scarred to even download it.But I'm gonna be a man,grow a pair of BALLS,and play it.It does look tempting and fun at the same time.....scarry.
  3. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    True, some people do actually rage quit. which makes it so much more fun for me, im happy that i made a super challenge.
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haha, I've never rage quit from playing this, but I have to say it is a lot of fun and very challenging. Sometimes I give up and mess with everyone in-game and try to get them killed. This is a very unique mini-game. Great job Mucus ;)
  5. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Marcass this game was loads of fun, not to mention a piss off! I remember the first time I played this I did not realize I had to make it up twice lol. I remember how pissed I was when I found out that I had to scale this beast a second time lol! To make matters worse when I finally got to the top with the warthog I ended up not hitting the incline fast enough and high centered myself lol! This is a must download! A lot of laughs and a very challenging mini-game!
  6. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    No skill and all based on luck?.. the only part that is based on luck, is if a kill ball respawns on you or not.. otherwise it is based on driving skills and the ability to watch out for kill balls and maneuver around obsticles simultaneously... which part of that requires no skill?...

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