Hmm this is quite tasty looking. However the pics don't give a good idea of the layout or size. More?
I could see this being great for infection (perfect atmosphere). The kinda map that makes me scream like a little girl when I see a zombie jumping down on me. Those maps are awesome.
Like others have said, it is pretty hard to get a decent guess on the size/layout of the map from the pictures. But it looks nice and it is a pretty unique map and a unique location to build in. Look forward to seeing it posted soon
LD ^^^ One of the best aesthetic forgers out there. He uses curves n stuff. This map is scary looking.
Wow, just from the pics this map looks incredible! I would have to say that the cave is one of the harder sections to forge on, and I can not think of very many successful maps that have used this area! From the pics this map seems to have used the cave environment perfectly! I can't wait to see this published.
Pics look cool, seems to give the map a great atmosphere. And its more than likely going to be an Infection-based map, given the name and mood of the images. You certainly know how to tease us, LD, especially with the lack of information. Looking forward to having a run around in it.
Great, another teaser. Seems my suspicions are confirmed, though. Especially by the "where will you hide?" bit. I could be completely, blatantly, and utterly wrong though, and likely am. And then will be ridiculed and publicly embarrassed in a shameless act of childishness by several other members of this site and beyond, for the rest of my days... Or maybe just a few hours. :]