Spies vs. Mercs

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by Voltage, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Spies vs. Mercs v2 (update 4/15)

    [CENTER]Spies vs. Mercs[/CENTER]

    Spies: Use stealth to assassinate the Mercs. Mercs: Use force to eliminate the spies. 2-16 players.

    This gametype has been removed from my fileshare. However, if you would like to recreate it yourself, all settings are included below. It shouldn't take but a few minutes in the custom games lobby. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    V3 Updates 5/19/11: There was an accidental "Survivor Victory" point that was removed. Apha Zombies are now Red with DMR/Magnum bottomless clip and 1 frag, and all new zombies are Orange with only DMR infinite ammo.

    V2 Updates 4/15/11: Alpha Zombie settings and Last Man Standing settings have been added. The first Mercs will now have bottomless clip DMRs and 2 frags. The last spy will now have enhanced radar. Round time has been reduced to 4 minutes.

    V1 got 800+ downloads! Thanks guys!

    This is an Infection game based on Splinter Cell's Spies vs. Mercs. The game starts with one mercenary, who gets points for killing spies. Spies get points for assassinating Mercs. When a spy is killed, he becomes a merc. When all the spies are dead, the round is over.


    Spies can deal no damage except for assassinations or beat downs. They run faster, have permanent camo (except for when moving quickly), and are equipped with evade. They have no shields and their health does not recharge, so they can only take 5 hits the entire game, which means they must rely on stealth and agility to survive and gain points.


    Mercenaries start with Sprint and a DMR, which is set to always be 5-shot-kill (headshot or body shot does not matter). They run slower and have no radar, but they are invincible to everything except for a hit in the back. They can deal no melee damage, so must rely on their DMR and good eyes.

    Only a Shadow (There is a spy in that corner.)

    The map included in the download link is a modified Countdown with darker filters and more mobility options, so spies can escape easily. This is what all the screenshots are taken from. Countdown works so well with this gametype because the filters make dark corners, so I suggest using this.

    This gametype can be played on any Infection-ready map, but I suggest making it darker so the spies can hide better. In regular maps, I use Next Gen + Old Timey. In Forgeworld, I use Purple + Next Gen + Juicy and sometimes Old Timey.

    If you create your own map for this gametype, please let me know, and I will add it to my file set for this thread.

    This game is a blast if you enjoy stealth shooters. My friends and I have had loads of fun with it. It's really great for 1v1, and even more fun with more players. I have tested this with everything from 2 to 16 players, and it works great! If you DL this and enjoy it, send me a message on Live and we can play it. GT = Voltage 117

    Thanks, and enjoy!

    Infection Settings

    spies are humans, mercs are zombies

    1 point per kill, both sides
    suicides do not become zombies
    no points for survival or victory
    5 rounds, 4 minutes each
    no friendly fire, team switching, or betrayal booting
    3 second respawns
    default 2 zombie start (recommend 1 for 2-3 players, 2 for 4-5, 3 for 6-7, and 4 for 8+)

    Spy Traits

    Shields and Health
    110% damage resistance
    no shields
    no health recharge
    immune to headshots and assassinations

    Weapons and Damage
    magnum only (because you can't select "none")
    no grenades
    limited evade
    25% damage and melee modifier
    no weapon pickup

    110% speed and jump
    no vehicle use

    Sensors and Appearance
    normal sensors, 25m (last man gets enhanced sensors)
    good camo
    waypoint and name only visible to allies
    forced black

    Merc Traits

    Shields and Health
    2000% damage resistance
    200% shield and health recharge
    immune to headshots

    Weapons and Damage
    90% damage modifier
    0% melee modifier
    DMR only
    Alpha: 1 frag, New Zombie: no grenades
    limited sprint
    Alpha: Bottomless Clip, New Zombie: Infinite Ammo
    no weapon pickup

    90% speed and jump
    no vehicle use

    Sensors and Appearance
    no sensors
    name and waypoint only visible to allies
    Alpha: Red, New Zombie: Orange

    Countdown SvM Map Variant

    no health packs
    increased mobility options (3 grav lifts, 1 one-way teleporter, various pallets)
    Next Gen and Old Timey effects for darkness
    #1 Voltage, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
  2. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Looks pretty fun. Sounds almost like a gametype from splinter cell.

    It also seems like a nice variant of cops and robbers. :)
  3. HaloCod

    HaloCod Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love this map, and Countdown is a perfect map for this.

    But didn't you already post this in the Casual section?

    I love this, and Countdown is a perfect map for this.

    But didnt you already post this in the Casual section?
  4. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    V3 is up now guys. The game runs perfectly smooth now, in my opinion.
  5. Alex the Plamf

    Alex the Plamf Forerunner

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    I tried making a gametype like this inspired around the ghostbusters gametype from halo 3 but the one thing I couldnt fix was when for instance your 'merc' backs into a corner noone can assassinate him, I ended up making melee damage possible but alot less damaging incase there were any corner campers for last mand standing or such
  6. Harryh111111

    Harryh111111 Forerunner

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    I can't find the gametype link, or do we have to make it ourselves?
  7. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    I clicked the link...But it didn't take me to the right gametype...Did you take it out of your FS?
  8. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Sorry, guys, I took this out of my file share a while ago to make room for other games/maps. If you would like to make the gametype yourself, the settings are included in the post. Should take less than 5 minutes. Alpha Zombie settings are nice, but not necessary, so don't worry if you don't have an Alpha Zombies variant.

    To make Countdown better for this gametype, just add Next Gen and Old Timey.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I really didn't think this thread would be that popular. Especially for this long.
  9. TheUnbeholden

    TheUnbeholden Forerunner

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    Nice gametype.
    The changes I would make is make Mercs not invulnerable, changed their damage resistance to %300 & removed their shield (they still have headshot immunity), so its possible to die from magnum fire though it takes ages, and it would reveal a spies location (invisibility turns off temporarily when you shoot so its still preferable for a spy to assassinate).
    Due to the fact that they have so much health and a better gun they would most likely win in a firefight regardless.
    These changes make the modification better I think, and gives the Spy a chance to win if the Merc refuses to move away from the corner hes planted himself in. Spies can still shoot a Merc to death if they outnumber him by atleast 3 to 1 or shoot him from a distance to draw him out so you can get a team mate to assassinate him... so its overall more fair for Spies and anti-camping.
    I also gave mercs the ability to melee, they are supposed to be really good hand-to-hand fighters like in the Splinter Cell game...

    I'm thinking about making the Alpha merc regenerate his health, so that Spies can't slowly pepper him off from a distance until he dies. They have to either out number him and gun him down together or assassinate. The Last Spy standing can regenerate his health also. Try it out.

    Halo Reach version
    http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=24007467&player=THE UNBEHOLDEN

    Halo 3 version
    Gametype SplinterCell - XForgery

    This is my version in Halo 3. The original was a VIP variant, but for some reason Halo Reach doesn't have that gametype. Shame, was a very customizable gametype.
    #9 TheUnbeholden, Oct 3, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  10. Alt1tude

    Alt1tude Forerunner

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    I love this gametype, and I am working on some maps for it, but just to point something out, the files can be obtained by going to his FS, and going to "file sets" then changing it to spies vs. mercs, and the map is there. Then use the v4 gametype above.

    AMALGAMATIQN Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    This is a sweet gametype. I'll recreate it since you took it off from your file share.

    Edited by merge:

    The Zombies are too hard to kill! Ahhhh! I tried it and liked it, but I think they're way too overpowered.
    #11 AMALGAMATIQN, Oct 10, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011

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