Underground AO

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by AnvilGoblin, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. AnvilGoblin

    AnvilGoblin Forerunner

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    The name says it all! My first forge, a small, underground command centre for several spartans on a scout / recon deployment. Includes vehicle bay, sleeping area, weapon racks, control room and two lookout posts.
    Contructive criticism is appreciated!

    <A href="http://i51.tinypic.com/vp88ow.jpg" target=_blank>[​IMG]
    Sleeping area placed conviniently next to the equipment racks.

    <A href="http://i55.tinypic.com/2ho8her.jpg" target=_blank>[​IMG]
    Corridor to the control room.

    <A href="http://i54.tinypic.com/2r554lc.jpg" target=_blank>[​IMG]
    Control room, with teleporters to the lookouts.

    <A href="http://i54.tinypic.com/qrf4tx.jpg" target=_blank>[​IMG]
    Lookout number one.

    Vehicle hangar
  2. NobleofDeath16

    NobleofDeath16 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks very interesting, i will check it out when i can, and give feedback once possible.

    Edited by merge:

    Alright, time for feedback. :)

    Overall, for your first upload, it is great. i liked the style and bit of the backdrop story of its creation, and it gives the map a more UNSC basis like in Halo 3's Crows Nest mission, the underground is fitting, and overall the structuring is good.


    Running around the base itself inside, its good until you get to the Vehicle bay, i advise you patch it up to layer it out evenly, covering the water, then do bump ups for added detail effect if wanted. PAst that, i would fix the teleporter, to the cliffside outlook so when you go through your looking straight towards the hole designated for scouting. And finally, once outside in vehicles, there are many holes you may want to patch up so people aren't able to get under the map, cause if they can, sure as heck people will. But overall i like it, and i will be looking forward to your next uploads to our lovely community. :D
    #2 NobleofDeath16, Jun 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  3. AnvilGoblin

    AnvilGoblin Forerunner

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    Cue the re-mastered garage, filled in holes and teleporter outputs. Thanks for the advice :D
    Will I need to post a new link or will the old one take you to the improved version?
  4. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    I always tried to make this kind of map in Halo 3 but always ended up deleting them.. this is waaay better than what I tried. I like youre ideas, you might want to check out other asthetic maps that have forged items such as TV's and computers.. Anchor Estate could give you plenty of inspiration. The look out is a very cool idea, maybe having a whole tunnel system of rocks. Hope to see a V2 of this.

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