Grifball arena I threw together. I was playing some grifball over the weekend and noticed that there isn't a wide selection of maps to choose from, 3 or 4 that I noticed for the most part. So I decided to make one of my own. I think its designed well if I do say so myself and it has aesthetics that would seem pleasing to the eye as well. Not saying its bungie worthy, but hey its always worth a shot throwing a map up. Red team corner Blue team corner Blue team, goal Red team, goal
not bad, but i would recommend posting grifball maps on, thats where I post them, also, spawn points dont go in front of the bomb plant area, also, ull need a respawn zone assigned to the appropirate teams, otherwise great work, also im assuming this map is designed for grifball evolved? cause its much to large for Vanilla, also remove the glass covers by the bomb plants, players can get up there and the bomb carrier can camp up there