I have two maps to show here, both loosely inspired by some awesome halo 3 concept art. The first is based on some sort of factory that never made it into the game. Voi Waterfront I realize the finished product doesn’t look that similar anymore but I had to revamp the concept to make it more multiplayer-friendly (e.g. more cover). This is a midsize symmetrical map meant for CTF and slayer. Since the upper level and indoor road portion of the map are the safest areas, all of the major power weapons are in the open or on the ground floor to promote circulation. Pipeline This one did make it into halo 3, a pump station from the Tsavo Highway campaign level I believe. Since it doesn’t make the best play space in itself, and since “voi municipal water pump house” is kind of a ridiculous name, I had to spruce it all up. Pipeline is a decent name but it’s hardly original, so I am open for ideas there. From inside Defenders' base: Right path into Defender's Base: Attacker's Base: This map is heavily inspired by High Ground, and might be considered a spiritual successor but with some obvious changes. It is not longer uphill and one-sided, as there is also an attacking base (though it is sparse in comparison to the defending base). Also, it is in a loop or quadrant layout, replacing the largely linear layout of high ground. Elements that are taken from High Ground include the Pipe, the bunker, the rocket spawn, and the large defending base with several ways into it. Like Voi Waterfront, this one is mainly for TS and CTF. I have been on a building streak lately without giving much time to testing, in part because I cannot get large enough groups together and in part because I enjoy the sheer building process more than tweaking. In order to finally release some of what I have been spending so much time and effort on, I’d like to set up a testing session for several of my maps. This will also include my updated version of Skyrise, whose preview can be found here. I am planning for this test session on Tuesday, June 28th at 9pm EST. I am willing to test other people’s maps afterwards. Please leave feedback on what you see and let me know if anyone is interested in testing. P.S. Thanks goes to Bungie for their awesome ideas.
I'm quiet surprised berb did not point you towards this topic cyborg, but it's a btb group that he's setting up for Monday nights, and just off my first impressions yours look like they could be played with bigger teams (6v6 maybe). Then again that is just off of pictures alone. I think both maps look quiet interesting and each with their own individual style. The inspiration you used for each map shows through nicely, and if you need any help testing throw me an invite.
The pipeline one looks cool. Though It does need more going on in between each base. I like the theme of I very well, you could possibly call it waterline or hydroline?
Thanks for the comments folks. @ Berb, I knew I had seen another pipeline around somewhere, but then you haven't posted yours yet (right?) so I forget if that was the one. Thanks though. @ DUCK NG, I will look into the BTB group, although these maps were only meant for either 4v4 or 6v6. I guess they are worth trying 8v8 just to know how crazy it is. Either way I will send you an invite when I get some games going. @ cluckinho10, It may look like the two bases are just facing each other without much in between but the map overall is actually quite segmented in person. There are several different ways into the defending base, including the most open main entrance, the medium sized right entrance, and the central corridor entrance, which is great for close quarters. I will keep those names in mind but I may just stick with pipeline. Thanks!
Looks incredibly good. I want the first one in firefight so badly. Only thing i dislike is the ramp, medium or large or whatever it is in pic 4. Edges of the ramp and bridge thingys mixed with flat pieces makes me a bit .
Wow, this looks awesome. I think at one point I actually was in a game on this map, but didn't actually play competitively, we were just checking it out and I had no idea you made it. I noticed something that I'm not sure if you are aware of, but in the last pic I was able to walk up that coliseum wall and get on top of the support beams to the right of the wall. It had a kill soft zone for the most part, but then I found an area where it didn't have one at all. I just thought I should point that out just in case. Great looking map, though. If you need help testing, hit me up.
The massive pipe in Pipeline puts most of the circular geometry in my current project to shame. It looks very nice. Perhaps "Municipal" could work, if you don't like the name "Pipeline"?
I never even thought of what it would be like in firefight but now that you said it that would nice. I really hope that H4 includes forging firefight game types, that would be incredible. As for that bridge you mentioned, I thought the railings gave it a little flare but I will consider flipping it upside down so the railings don't show. Yeah, Ive fixed the higher kill zones since then but thank you for the help. The soft kill only goes about half way down the coliseum wall so that you can still run up it and jump to the roof of the purple hall, just to provide another way into the base. I'll add you and let you know when I'm testing it again. Thanks! "Municipal" sounds ok. I was even thinking about "Voi Municipal" since it has a weird ring to it. Thanks for the idea!
I would reeeaaally like it if you could help me on my maps.... PLEASE.... i BEG OF YOU..... help me? GT: DarK3304
The first map's bases look a bit gray inside with the coliseum walls. Also, the coliseum wall in the middle of pipeline looks a bit weird. But the designs are great, and can't wait to play pipeline with an asymmetrical gamemode.
@ MidnightoasT, That's been my thing lately, remaking maps from concept art. It's nice to use something that already has a creative basis (thanks bungie), but it's still a challenge re-imagining, altering and remaking it into a good competitive environment. Hopefully I can actually do it. @ dark3304, I am currently out of town but would be glad to check out your maps sometime when I get back. Hopefully I can help. @ Rsvi Etzudee, I agree about the greyness. Also, I know the multiple breaks in the pipe don't make sense but I really wanted to make the pipe area more playable rather than just a decoration that hangs overhead or that serves as a mere wall of the map. As for the big colly wall, if that wasn't there, the map would just be too open and iy would basically be two bases facing each other with no segmentation.