hellz noes, its not wrong to be addicted to forgehub.com I am. Its the first site I open and the last site I close. When I'm playing halo I have the laptop next to me with forgehub open. Its my most favouritest site. When I'm reading something at school or something and I stop thinking while im reading when I snap back, I'm reading it as if it were on forgehub and it'd been posted by someone.
i think i have found the cause...aside from it being the cat's pajamas...i aswell have a labtop next to me while playing halo...dun dun duhuhun...btw, the only reason i have been off for the past hour was because i had something dling, and it was going so slow with all the pages i had up...but ker im back
well, the first site i open is Google (by default, not by choice) and i can't get on at school, cause 1. i'm not THAT desperate 2. the nerds always book the computers months in advance, i sometimes go on during chinese though.
you take chinese?!?!!?!??!?! omg, i envy you and im not in school anymore...soon to be in the fall though, yay college!
I'm in year 11. I cant get online at school unless I use proxys but I'm not that desparate to have my internet cut off just to look at forgehub once. One retard teacher who was trying lecture us about using proxys compared it to killing someone with an axe. I have a two subjects which I'm always in front a computer, one I hate and the teacheer understands computers and tabs and such; IT, and one which I love and cant be bothered surfing the net; Multimedia.
please don't envy me, my teacher is very strict, we have to be to class 5 minutes EARLY to avoid detention.
wow, america working round the clock, just trying to scare you to do what they want you to do.... btw...roflcopter at that teacher
wow, i just caught this post ivory...that is pretty intense... my opinion? the poll is based on a range of 5 opinions, and you are most certainly entitled to your opinion. The title to this thread is "Is it wrong to be addicted to Forgehub?" <<<QUESTION MARK. I'm asking everyone here is it wrong, how does that base it on MY opinion only really?
no way i have been getting comments from lots of friends that maps are better they're not featured material yet but im working on it and forge hub increased my knowledge ten fold
woot, im glad to hear it sparten, that is what forgehub is here for, and they seem to be doing one hell of a job at it!
I'm going to name my first son bungie and the second one rickjames, I might adopt a kid though and name him forgehub.
I'm not so much addicted to FH as I am eager to help our newest member find their footing in this awesome community. So, I guess what determines whether addiction is good or bad is the nature of the addiction itself. FH offers many outlets for many different kinds of people. Even douchebags.
well it can .. If you go it for hours on end every night then its a bit weird i just started so i'm not addicted yet XD