Light 'Em Up

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by petetheduck, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    The humans hide in the darkness.. the zombie spotlight has to seek them out!

    Two zombies start. One uses the stationary banshee as a spotlight, moving it around to find the humans. The other shoots any humans caught in the spotlight. Humans can only be killed in the spotlight.

    1 life/round. banshee is stuck--no amount of fancy flipping will loose it. Teleporters prevent the banshee zombie from committing suicide or escaping the tower.

    A shield door prevents the banshee from shooting at the humans. Note that the banshee's line of fire is well below the spotlight area, so it is impossible for the banshee to both trap and shoot humans. This is why there are 2 starting zombies.

    Humans move at normal speed. No AA. In testing humans had Evade--this made it too difficult for the spotlight, so it was removed.

    #1 petetheduck, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice. Reminds me Cawk Patroll with the spotlights and the zombie gametype and all.
  3. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Wow, you really come up with some damn clever gametypes.
    The banshee in the picture looks pretty menacing.
    Great job, once again! (Y)

    Soo.... the banshee can't just shoot the humans?
    #3 broccollipie, Jun 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  4. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    No, there is a shield door. But it doesn't matter anyway--the spotlight doesn't line up with the banshee's line of fire--the banshee bullets/bomb hit way below the spotlight. Since humans can only die in the spotlight, even if the shield door wasn't there, it wouldn't matter.

    (which is actually kind of unfortunate--if the banshee bullets DID line up with the spotlight, I would only need 1 starting zombie)

    Edited by merge:

    Holy cow, you're right--I didn't realize someone had already discovered the banshee spotlight mechanism! I thought I was the first :( ..ah, poop! Oh well. Good job, you :)

    I do see gameplay differences, so that's good (yours is about running, mine is about hiding, so at least I didn't unknowingly make exactly the same gameplay as someone else too). I used a jetpack set to the Haven for my map, so that when the Haven timer expires on the Banshee, it transfers to the jetpack. This lets one player always be the Haven, instead of requiring two banshees to take turns.

    Anyway, I'll throw out one more plug for your map, Cawk Patroll, since we both use banshee spotlights!
    #4 petetheduck, Jun 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  5. Jim

    Jim Ancient

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    Wow, that looks awesome! I could see using the banshee spotlight for a prison breakout-type game.
  6. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Just hosted a 10-player game on this and we all had a blast. I wasn't expecting the map (or lack thereof) to be on the Quarry. I though I downloaded an earlier version somehow when I saw nothing on the Quarry. But the game played really nice. It did require a bit of teamwork with the 2 zombies, which was awesome. It didn't help if everyone was screw it into their mics with fear. Again a lot of fun and a blast to play.
  7. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    I answered this in an earlier reply, but since it seems to be a common question, I'll revise the original post to clarify. No, there is a shield door that prevents the banshee from shooting at the humans.
  8. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    I just have one question before I download: How fast do the humans move? I think that should be in your OP as well.
  9. Ninja metroid

    Ninja metroid Ancient
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    I played a game very similar to this a few months back called "Eye of Sauron"
    it is basicly the same but with some different aesthetics.

    Im just wondering if you took inspiration from that or if you came up with this independently?
  10. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    I came up with this independently. I honestly thought I was the first person to make a banshee spotlight. Apparently not!
  11. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks cool and creative, but isn't it alittle too easy to find the humans? It doesn't seem like there's enough places for them to actually hide n' stuff. I think it would be better if you did it in the canyon, but I can't really back that up, seeing as I haven't tried it yet. I think I'll give this one try sometime.
  12. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
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    You're limited by the range of the banshee spotlight, so it wouldn't work in the canyon unless you only used a portion of it.

    And no, from the testing we did, it's not actually that easy to find the humans.
  13. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    Even though this game has a lot of waiting time, once everyone gets the hang of it, it becomes quite a fun and challenging game. I'm not sure if you intended the 2nd zombie (who shoots) to always "spark" players when they hit them, but it really adds teamwork for the zombie team. Great job!
  14. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i'm the co-creator of cawk patrol(you have no idea how much we regret naming it as such...), and i'm quite curious, how did you get around the safe haven swapping? EDIT: nevermind, read your reply to camo. we couldnt do that since our map was too fast paced for any spotlight downtime.

    we tried so many things, since one spotlight would have made the gametype work. In practice, people in the party just got so confused every round. Bravo on thinking of this independently as you claim, i hope yours takes off like ours didn't :/
    #14 CHUCK, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2011
  15. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    The banshee/pilot's jetpack haven swap is seamless--there is no downtime in the spotlight. It works great. I REALLY wish the gametype supported a single, perminent safe haven, though :(

    I'm surprised I hadn't seen cawk patrol before now. Maybe you guys can fix 'er up and re-release, with a different name :p. It's hard to tell what's going to be successful, I guess. I thought the banshee spotlight would really be a hit--here I find out I'm 4 months late and nobody's been talking about it. It seems like a really fun mechanism, I don't know why more people haven't used it in the meantime.
  16. m0dx298

    m0dx298 Forerunner

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    Wow this is cool. How did you do all that stuff?
  17. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    Too bad there's no way to mix this with an objective gametype. You could have the humans try to plant a bomb or capture a flag without being caught.

    Awesome idea. I have never seen this before.

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