Rubik Created by GabrahamLic0ln Map Description Rubik is based off of a cube-esque arena, hence the Rubik cube name and bright colours. Entirely symmetrical, players can spawn anywhere in the map and know where they are based on the different colour schemes. The map has three levels. the lowest level which has the grav cannons and grav lift. the second level has the one way shield bumper to helo you jump across the center if you wish. And the top level is available via the grav cannons or jetpacking. FFA game types seem to work the best, and due to the close nature of the map not much is available other than slayer, oddball, and king of the hill. I find that using a fiesta gametype causes mass panic and fun. Weapons: there are no weapons placed on the map. Top down view from a side The Center, both levels with the grav lift Center grav. lift with a view into a "base" with a grav cannon in the back Top down view from a corner. the bridges on the sides are on the 2nd floor with some area underneath too Check it out please and tell me what you think. Also, i'm always working on things so if you need help or would possibly like to help me out and maybe get a sneak peek just tell me, I'm always looking for people to hang with.
Its a good idea but its way way wayyyy too small, definately too small to support 16 people, 8 maybe but definately not 16, since the map is small its very easy to spawn camp, as those spawns you have in the center of those walkways are in the open so itl be easy to be spawn camped there, its very cramped and theres little room for manuverability, and those rooms on the bottom are very small, anybody who spawns there will be killed if someone grenade spams, and since theres no other weapons on the map you cant switch out your weapons if you run out, and can only get more ammo if you kill someone or die. its a good map, but make it bigger also, take out those one way shields on the second floor, players wont be able to get into those rooms so if a player spawns on the second platform their essentaily trapped
Thanks for the feedback, but what shield doors in the second floor? the only one on the second floor is in the center and doesn't inhibit movement in any real way.