
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by FuN Fortress, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
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    -Overview and goals-

    Oracle is my latest Team Slayer/Team Objective map. It was built to be a more-casual map with aesthetics inspired by (but not trying to mimic or copy to the letter, as it's pretty much impossible) previous Halo titles, with Halo 3's The Pit and Construct in mind especially. My aim with Oracle was to build something that goes against all conventional methods; from building location, to weapon sets.

    My intent with Oracle was to make the player actually FEEL like they were on a Halo ring world, instead of in some sort of gauntlet of grey cubes (not to say there isn't a copious amount of gray in Oracle, but hey, what can you do?). The ceilings are raised high above the player to give the map a more-dramatic sense of scale, and to make the player feel somewhere truly bigger than they are. I also tried to enhance that experience by shaping the port window the way it is and scaling it such so that when you're looking out of it you see the Halo ring instead of Forgeworld. That sense of scale is compounded further when you're watching a player in front of that backdrop (of which I'll post a screenshot).

    -Intentions for Gameplay-

    Oracle is not anything super-competitive, from the location it was built in to its Covenant-exclusive weapon set and Armor Ability pickups. It was built right next to the waterfall (which, to Forgers is a no no as the waterfall is infamous for causing massive framerate drops within maps), with the intent of having ambient sound (and the visual of the waterfall itself) enhance the player's experience and make them feel even more that they are in a real location. I have had (so far) no comments during tests about framerate issues, but it's not out of the question that they may be present in splitscreen. I'm sorry if that ends up being the case, but I'm going to go against conventional method and build something 'pretty' and casual instead of 'intense' and competitive.

    The weapon set is entirely-Covenant, from the Focus Rifle, to the Sword, and right down to the Fuel Rod Gun. You won't find a single human weapon on the map (besides dropped ones from spawning gear, provided it's human), and it's just something I'm trying out for kicks. I originally had a Sniper Rifle on the map, but soon replaced it with the Focus Rifle, the poor weapon hardly ever shows up. Along with the all-Covenant weapon set, the map sports Armor Abilities as pickups on the map (I playtested all Slayer games with 'Classic' settings enabled). There are two Drop Shields (one in each base), one neutral Armor Lock (by the Fuel Rod gun at low mid), one neutral Evade (above the Energy Sword, opposite Fuel Rod Gun), and two Jetpacks (by each base's low-rear corner). On top of that there's an Overshield dead center, above a 'bottomless' pit.

    -Map Layout-

    About the map itself; it's entirely-symmetric, with a simple and fairly-open layout. Cover takes the form of Covenant decor and barriers, which emphasizes the use of the available Armor Abilities on the map for defense (the fact that it's so open was the core reason behind the Sniper Rifle being removed). It's a very 'casual' layout in that it's extremely simplistic. There are three ways into each base; through one of the two gravity lifts or a rear ramp. The map is divided into three (or four) portions; Red Base, Center (Center and 'low center'), and Blue Base. It's supposed to be very 'pretty' and very 'easy' to play on, and is made for casual games.


    Everybody likes eyecandy, and these are easily more-enjoyable than my gauntlet of text that I threw at you:


    Blue Team entering the center of the map after a fight with a Red Team member. With each player being a different distance from the camera, you can really see the sense of scale within Oracle, and how the player looks against the backdrop of the Halo ring world.


    A view of the map from outside of the port window.


    A closeup on the Overshields and the pit below it.


    'Low Center'.


    An 'overview' of the map.


    The rear corner of Red Base (same as Blue) with the Jetpack pickup in the lower-right hand corner of the shot.


    Another overview.


    A look at the gravity lifts for Red Base.


    The inside of the bases.


    And that is Oracle. I hope everybody can have a little bit of fun on this, though I understand the weapon set and AA pickups aren't for everybody. Hopefully this will play decent enough for those that prefer that sort of thing.
  2. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    For the short time I got to play on this map, it was a lot of fun! It's well balanced and the layout works particularly well. I never felt like it was too open or constricted. The Overshield platform is particularly fun to knock people off of ;) The weapon set is nice and I'm glad to see others appreciate the Covenant arsenal in their maps. Especially on the Classic settings, I thoroughly enjoyed this map, and I hope others do as well.
  3. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
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    Thank you haha I'm glad it's turning out like it is, and I'm sticking with the Covie weapon set. The poor lil Focus Rifle never gets any love in any other maps :(
  4. Ramen 6378

    Ramen 6378 Forerunner

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    I remember playing CTF on this the other day; it was the one where almost everyone forgot that it was CTF. :)

    Anyway, I had fairly positive thoughts about this map. It gives a nice open feel while keeping you within the boundaries. I especially enjoyed how you put in AAs on the map, which many maps do not do. The little OS platform was also unique, and it made a nice risk/reward feel to it. The Plasma Cannon at each base was also surprisingly useful for suppression.

    I did feel like the sightlines on the map were too open, especially towards the middle of the map. A DMR, NR, or even Magnum could really wreak havoc here. I also felt like there could be more than one way up to the top ledge at each base that overlooks the map. Here's a picture:


    The ledge I'm talking about is the level with the purple Covenant barricades. When I played it, I found that I had to walk a long distance just to get up to that platform. Maybe an additional tactical jump spot, or more ramps leading up to it? Then again, I might've just missed a way up there.
  5. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
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    Yeah, the map is open by design as I molded it around Classic Slayer settings (no DMR starts). As for more ways into each base, I have three (or more if you have one of the two jetpacks on the map) ways into each base being a gravity lift under the center pit in each base, the gravity lift taking you to the sniper perch, and the rear ramp.
  6. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    I like how you kept it open and i like how you used more unique waepons like the Focus rifle and the spiker, makes gameplay more challenging in my view.
  7. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
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    Thanks, and that's exactly what I'm going for; something a little out of the ordinary and a little more unique. I'm hoping to really influence WHERE the player moves to based on the fact that in Classic Slayer you have AR/Magnum starts. There are six NRs on the map, each at a one minute spawn though, so they won't constantly be present. I'm really hoping players will have to move around and actually FIND assets on the map.

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