By The360Assasan EDIT:: Sorry for the revival of this thread, but I have made another 6 Versions of this map. It is improved 10 fold and I would like to share it with forgehub BUT, I need a playtest. I am testing it on the 29th of June 12:00 EST See my thread in the Custom Games forum. This is a game based off of the story of CIS trying to capture Chancellor Palpatine on Courascant right before STAR WARS Episode III. This is seen in Star Wars clone wars cartoon series. Since this gametype is so complex I will walk through a typical game. SO the clones and chancellor spawn: AT the same time the Attackers spawn nearby. Then they engage in the first battle. Pics: Then If the chancellor survives you must go down the first hallway. Meanwhile the droids respawn in the factory where they have 5 seconds to choose a weapon. Then the first droid deployed (the droids after being equipped go through a telepoter to be deployed) so the first one deployed gets the special red powerup which gives him extra helth, speed, and damage. He is red and has a marker on him. After the fisrt tunnel without much fighting the clones get several BR's and a sniper as well as a bubble shield in preperation for some long range battles. They then enter a room with slanted walls where there seems to be some droid activity. After that the group drops down a staiwell to a long tunnel with a truck at the end. Then the clones round the corners after some fierce fighting and enter the "Final Room" OOOOOOHHHHH... And awaiting there for one of the clones is a lightsaber to make him a jedi protector. The truck: Then you must hold out but BEWARE the droids are now equipped with shottys and a rocket launcher and there are more frequent "red" guys coming your way. HOLD OUT untill you get 50 points or get killed. Map layout reference DOWNLOAD: Protect Game Variant Corascant 2.3<-Map
looks cool and well organized and good job on the spawn point locations and objectives must have taken a while to get them to spawn where you want them to
at first i thought you were just posting pics from a game, but then i saw it was a map. the pics were very chronological and it explained the game well. the map also looks pretty good, but you may have exaggerated the coolness of it by adding all the captions and stuff. anyway, good job.
Great job, you really must've worked hard to finish this, it looks great. I'll download and show my friends... Nice storyline by the way...
Wow im really glad to see this reaction. The only problem is finding other players to play with you that understand what your trying to do. is star wars, but not another ship. Also, i figure foundry was picked for size not looks, but it looks like you could be in the chancellor's transport ship or on Coruscant.
Interesting idea. I like the setup, but you should've put the Energy Sword before you reach the final room. Good job and good luck on future maps! ^^
Your text is too big... seariously, it just make you look like your trying to scream at us... otherwise, cool concept. It actually gave me a few ideas... I'm gonna go Forge now, see you guys in a few days.