We always said 'sell Yuri' if you got him in a crate on the Lan games we played. France was legit because you could Grand Cannon Walk across the map and nothing could stop you. I always was the allies, usually Germany because fully upgraded tank destroyers could rape Apoco tanks. Also, Chrono commandos and Chrono Legionaires were the best at Crate hunting. Yuri was just cheap. He had Great Britain's sniper (the Virus) and it was better than theirs. He had mind control which what? 3 units could beat? He had the allies Aircraft carrier except better in the boomer sub because it could hide. He had the UFO which could shut down a base AND steal money AND fly AND rape infantry. He had a MOVING ORE DEPOT!!!! which was armed and regenerated it's slaves. The magnetron, don't even get me started on the unfair tank, mix it with gatling tanks and any vehicle you have is toast. etc etc etc...
Hallo All who still want to play yuri's revenge I play on a network ( via program COMODO easyvpn ) with my friend so every1 who wants to play can join. Install the program when it say something about a key just close it and than start the program and make a account. Than add me as friend: my email ": daoud_gamkar@hotmail.com and than join our network: cdc When you have added me as friend I will give you the password greetings Daoud p.s I just made this profile very quick for yuri players this is no spam [br][/br]Edited by merge: Join my network Hallo All who still want to play yuri's revenge I play on a network ( via program COMODO easyvpn ) with my friend so every1 who wants to play can join. Install the program when it say something about a key just close it and than start the program and make a account. Than add me as friend: my email ": daoud_gamkar@hotmail.com and than join our network: cdc When you have added me as friend I will give you the password greetings Daoud p.s I just made this profile very quick for yuri players this is no spam
I wonder, how hard could it be if they modified one of those chess playing robots to play RA2, or heck, I've heard they've made some amazingly adaptable robots recently, they may not have to modify one.
Says the man with one post, and that being the one post... OT: I've never played any Red Alert before the newest one, the new one kinda sucked but it did pull me to try the other CnC games, I'm hooked on tiberium wars... dunno why, so if Yuri's revenge is as good or better I'll definitely give it a try.
I've always enjoyed Tiberium wars and have always thought that if a game ever needed to be updated with new graphics it was that one. Personally, I would say that I enjoy Tiberium wars more. I think the reason for that is that the units are very unique. The mammoth tank and the air units were really cool and all of the 'evil guys' (I don't remember their name) infantry were awesome.
Yeah, I love playing as nod. And the scrin, they are pretty beastly. I never really cared for GDI though...
YR is a lot more bright and campy and less balanced than Tiberium Wars. If Yuri wasn't so tough it would be better. If you do play it just do the campaign and maybe some offline skirmishes. The community is the most hostile I have ever seen, if your a noob they don't play with you. End of Story. The only way you'll get a game is if it's a comp stomp (a special gametype where people fight against computers that have unlimated funds so they just pump out units). Even then they'll probably just try to use you as bait so they have a better chance at success. If you do go bring a friend.