
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by UnholiestVirus, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. UnholiestVirus

    UnholiestVirus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What's up broski's. As I am new to this whole map making business bare with me through my trials through fire. I believe that this is maybe my second map posted here but definantly my first Reach map. I'm not one for making competitive maps so I kept it simple as I get over the creativity curb. I kept it simple with this one. Two bases, one trench (excuse the reference), and came up with this very amatuer map.

    It supports teams of 3-4 or 6-8 players total. and has
    4 Mongooses
    4 Sniper Rifles
    6 DMR's
    1 Plasma Cannon
    1 Needle Rifle
    4 Frag grenades
    4 Plasma Grenades
    4 Medkits
    2 Needlers
    2 Plasma Rifles


    Red Base


    Blue Base

    Red Tower

    Blue Tower

    Each base has a lift in the back to get to the top level. Alternatively you could scale the sides.

    And finally the trench.

    I hope that you may enjoy this map and please do leave constructive criticism. If anyone wants to play test hit me up with a message on Live my name is my gt. And if anyone wants a second opinion/tester on your own maps drop me a line. Especially if it's a big team map. I <3 big team.

    Everyone have a nice day. Or I'll find you and do...something.


    (No, I don't know why it says canvas map Anchor 9)
    #1 UnholiestVirus, Jun 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    This map seems very open and you seem to have used alot of default buildings as structures, id recommending fixing this in a version 2 and create your own originial structures as they will be more pleasing on the eye

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