Project x

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by availablemoth, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Project X


    Map Description
    Well, this will be my first map preview! I created this map to host a wide variety of game-play!Normally when creating a map I tend to focus on one thing. Therefore, my map either has good aesthetics and suffers on layout design or my map is made for objective and does not play well with slayer!Yet, if I have to say so myself, and I guess I am, this map seems to be very versatile. Project X, which does not have a name yet, has a control point for slayer much like Reflection. Also, for objective games it supports several route options for the player! There is a good mix Between CQC and plenty of LOS for those players who like to snipe/DMR!
    This map is nearing completion and I will start the testing phase very soon! So if you are interested in testing this map send me a friend request, and hopefully you can get a game in on this! After that, this map will be off to the testers guild and hopefully posted by the start of July!
    So, I am done rambling now and will give you a taste of my map. But remember this is only a taste :)

    This first picture comes from the basement of this facility

    This would be top mid

    Bottom Mid

    flag stand inside the base

    I would like to thank everyone who has made this map look, and play the best that it can. Again, if you are interested in testing please send a message to Availablemoth. Thanks for reading!
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    High Resolution images if you want them.




    I got these by clicking the Download Hi-Res button next to each image in your recent screenshots

    From what I see here your map is actually quite large. The area in the screenshot of top mid is far off in the middle of the screenshot of bottom mid, correct? I love your rock wall and grass for the sniper spawn, but there's not much else I can tell since most of the screenshots are of walls.
    #2 pyro, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2011
  3. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Ha...thanks. I probably should have done that the first time around! Thank you very much! I would say that this map would be between medium and large. I would say it is big enough in 4v4 that you will not constantly be spawned into battle, yet small enough that you wont be running around trying to find people! This map also could probably support 5v5 but may run into the same problem that many of Bungie's maps do. As for the screen shots. Sorry, at the moment I am not wanting to give away the map layout. Not because it is extremely innovative, but because I just want to peak some interest! If you would like to join us in running tests this upcoming week feel free to send me a request!
    #3 availablemoth, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2011
  4. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It isa bit hard to get an idea of what this map looks like, but from what I can tell it looks pretty darn good! the image showing the rock wall and contained grass below are things that I have seen many times, although not often together like that and they work well visually.

    I can't really say much or give any advice really though because Im not sure of what the map is like. maybe try to get an overview when your nearly finished or on the final product to show all the paths and such. Those typically help people understand maps better.
  5. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i cant wait for you to post this map dude, its a lot of fun. It sucks that its going to take a little while longer since its stuck on your old Hard drive.. o well hurry up and get this map back.
  6. AndroidQuazar

    AndroidQuazar Forerunner

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    Wow, really nice map. I love the grassy circle. Actually it would be nice to play some slayer there.

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