
Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Spencermx14, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Spencermx14

    Spencermx14 Forerunner

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    So why is a Spire map posted up here? I'll tell you! It is because this is the first sky track on spire that uses the top section of the tower if I am not mistaken. This is a really fun map that brings in some cool features that you may not have seen on other spire tracks.

    You start on the far side of the spire

    You then move around it being careful not to fall off!

    Turn the sharp corner to begin your decent

    Keep your speed but also keep control

    Fall to the ground

    Terrain time

    You can take the long way.....

    ....or try something shorter

    You could take the long route again...

    ... or take the dangerous path!

    To the finish!

    YouTube - ‪Striptease "Halo Reach Racing Map"‬‏

    What inspired your creation?
    The fuglystick's contest for maps not made on forge world. I thought I would try to do something different with spire.

    How long did it take you to build this track?
    I would say about 4 hours to set it up and then another 2 or three on tweaking the little things.

    What aspect of the track to you the longest to make?
    It would be either setting up all the sheild walls as they were really hard too see, or it was getting the 1 way shields to work properly!

    Download: : Halo Reach : File Details
  2. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Too be honest. I was hoping some proxy would be posting a really hot striptease in the Halo Reach Custom Content sub-forum.

    Anyway, I always liked maps that are made on maps besides Forgeworld or Tempest. The maps always have some type of creativity in it. Spire and Highlands are one of the maps with perfect terrain for racing on. You've made yours on Spire. I like how you incorporated the top of the spire as well. Ill give this a download.
  3. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wait, you can have Ramp, Stunts on Spire?
  4. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Yeah I didn't realize this either. No but honestly this only great because its on a map besides forge world and tempest. Plus the spire has great scenic views. Great job.

    <3 Squidman
  5. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    same... oh well

    its great that youve made a racetrack on spire. this map is rarely ever used for forge and provides players 'a break' from Forgeworld. that aspect in itself gets alot of attention and of course the name will get some downloads
    #5 Berb, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  6. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    Hey man, I really enjoyed this map, definately with the shortcuts. I always make that bottom turn doing a barrel roll on the side of it but manage to land it, was that ur idea? Well I was wondering if you could review my map atlantis skatecoaster, if you like it I was thinking that we could build a track together and just toss ideas around for a great race
  7. A Killing Pie

    A Killing Pie Forerunner

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    The name is what brought most of us here. Looks like a great map, though. Great job. Maybe put some obstacles like fusion coils bouncing on the shields.

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