I've had this idea for an Infection Variant

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cory21, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    They basic premise of this idea is that the Infection will not only be in the form of zombies, but the Infection will be airborne as well.

    If the humans aren't in an area that is clear of the airborne infection, the toxin will reduce their stamina, making them slower and weaker. The toxin can get so thick that it can actually kill humans that stray into a dense airborne toxin.

    If you haven't already figured it out, the map will revolve around a progression campaign that uses both Havens and Kill Zones. The airborne toxin will urge the humans through the map at a pace that will make humans have to holdout at certain areas before the fog clears; but it will still require that the humans keep moving.

    The zombies will spawn in the map, usually on ledges. There might be a few pickups that they will be able to use on spawn such as Armor Abilities or even unique weapons.

    The humans can start out with a pistol, which will kill in either 2 or 3 headshots. Assault Rifles will be the weapon of choice because of the large amounts of ammo at the start and middle, but towards the end the ammo will eventually run low.

    The scoring will give 1 point for each time a zombie infects a human, and 5 points for surviving. There will also be 1 point awarded for being the last man standing.

    I've experimented a little with using land mines as the havens so that they can detonate after that area of the campaign is already used, so I'm fairly certain this can work.

    The first map I plan on building for this is a city similar to New Mombasa, where the humans start in a hotel and have to get to the outskirts.

    So, what do you think? Any sort of critiquing (or praise :p) would be welcome.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I think it's a good idea. I also think it will be really hard to execute properly, especially in such a way that it doesn't require a lot of explanation to players beforehand. But I wish you luck with it!
  3. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I don't like the idea.

    In theory, it sounds great. But in practice, I fear it wouldn't work as anticipated. I have quite a bit of experience in "progression campaigns", and one of the things that makes them so interesting is the variability in gameplay. Though that's not to say that yours isn't varied, quite the opposite really. But it's that variation that'll end up hurting the map.

    In order to establish a feeling of suspense, you'd want the soft kill zone boundary to end a second or two before the humans exit. One zombie can hold off one human easily, two if they know what they're doing. This variability in timing, the exact thing that makes such a map entertaining, it what would injure this map.

    A decent alternative would be to make two paths to a certain area: One is longer with more zombie spawns, the other is shorter, less zombie spawns, but it also has the kill barrier or the "safe" haven.

    Sorry if this wasn't entirely understandable, I've been working on something else simultaneously. If you need any clarification, send me a message.

    tl;dr - The idea is good but variability in the gameplay means that some annoyance may be caused to both parties.
  4. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So you pretty much have to fight the zombies and the virus spores?
    That sounds really cool...
    I'm pretty sure if you do ALOT of testing you can get this hammered down right.
    Just sayin', you gotta turn on green effect
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I would say great idea, but the kill zones will affect zombies too, and when a new kill zone spawns (if that's possible) as you seem to be proposing, humans might not be able to figure out where they're supposed to be going.
  6. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I'll be honest, I'm really confused by most of what you said here.

    I'm planning on having a 4 minute round, with a 45 second Haven timer (I'm not sure if 45 seconds is possible, I should check this). The basic idea is that the humans will spawn in the first area (in the map I'm deigning, a hotel), with a haven surrounding the hotel. They will have decent supplies to hold off for 45 seconds, but they can stray further away to maybe get better weapon (in my case, a sniper that's just outside the haven and near a zombie spawn point). There will really be a strong sense of risk v reward. The difference between my gametype and other infection games is that players will actually know right away when they are in a dangerous area.

    After 45 seconds, the haven will move to the next area. Part of the haven will still take place in a portion of the original haven, so the humans won't have to move far. About halfway through the 2nd haven, a kill zone will spawn in half of the last haven. It'll still have a sense of 'suspense,' but I'll try to keep it as straightforward as possible.

    That's kind of similar to something that I was planning for my map. After the 3rd holdout area, they humans would have the option to continue following the road through the city, or take a cafe shop that will take them through a series of building. The two paths won't intertwine until the last haven, so communication will be key here (I'm afraid the fact that zombies and humans can talk to each other might ruin this).

    I might consider having a path with less zombies but no haven. The only problem mght be that humans might think that that means that it'll lead to a dead end.

    Thanks for the response.

    I don't think it'll be too confusing for either party. If your a human and you leave the haven, you'll see your radar disappear and you'll move slightly slower, so you'll feel vulnerable.

    The zombies won't necessarily be weaker inside the haven, because that would promote zombies staying away from it. Still, there is no penalty for dying as a zombie.

    Well, technically you can't fight the spores, but it's awesome nonetheless :p

    I'll be careful to spawn zombies in front of the kill zones, so they won't be affected unless they go backwards. The killzones will actually be a combination of safe zones and kill zones. I'll spawn a new safe zone when a new area opens up, and then block off the areas behind the humans after they left with kill zones.
  7. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    After some re-explaining that makes a little more sense (and sounds a bit more reasonable as well). However, the way it's described makes it sounds very jumpy. For one, it seems odd that you'd be outrunning an airborne spore, but more importantly, unless it takes about 45 seconds to get through the haven it won't flow well. Havens are good to promote an optional holdout, which seems to be what you're using them for, but to use them through the entire map and to have holdouts just doesn't seem like it would go over well.

    However, a little further into the map detail itself, I don't think you'd have the budget for everything you explained. You may want to make this a series, where two maps are spent leaving the city, and then a few more getting to a safe area (after all, why would an airborne toxin limit itself to the confines of a city?).
  8. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    yeah, I agree with Plasma Blades. Having a hotel and a main road/Coffee shop would really strain your resources, so unless you plan it out then you may have troubles.
  9. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Alright, so I was working on a little test map with the havens, and after a few trial and errors, I got it working, and it works fantastically.

    Now a new problem arose, one that I didn't even think would be a problem: You can't put a timer on safe and kill zones. It doesn't matter how you time them, they will activate instantly. I was going to place them before havens and after the havens to keep players in a relatively similar location.

    Does anyone know of an ways to fix this?

    If I'm not able to use the haven+kill zone method, I'll have to change the settings to make humans that don't stay in the haven even weaker. I'm thinking decreased speed, no radar, an icon over their head, and one-hit-kill.

    Anyways, everything else is going as planned.
  10. XMangoMonsterX

    XMangoMonsterX Forerunner

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    Great Idea. However, a quick explanation on belated spawning as it took me awhile to understand. In advanced settings, you can change the spawn at start thing to "False" and then designate when you want it to spawn in the first screen, which looks like 45 seconds for you. Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible to give each team thier own soft kill zones or a timer, which is a flaw from Bungie; if it is a kill zone and any team walks in, he will die. I'm not sure how you'll solve this, but if you ever need a tester, I got a mic. GT is XMangoMonsterX. Also, make sure to put in on Forgehub so I can play when you are done!
    #10 XMangoMonsterX, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  11. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I still don't know how youre gonna do this. I mean, Bungie derpa failed when they didn't put shield leech trait in reach.

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