Crazy Pit V2: This is a small simple but very fun map, the crazy pit... Download Map This map is the definition of a "crazy pit". Whether you play with 2 or 10 players you will experience this map. The layout is quite simple, it is about a 4 by 4 box base with a hieght of 3. It is stuffed full of grenades, set on instant respawn, and packed with guns. There are also most types of equipment on the floor. This is a very casual and fun map, that can be played strategicaly even though that is very dificult. This is the map that can test your reflexes and reactions to very quick and intense rounds. This map supports the gametypes of: Slayer, team or FFA (free for all) best played with high winning score which plays perfectly on this map Oddball, get the ball and run, best played with winning score at 50 KOTH (king of the hill) there are several hills, one that includes the entire pit, one only on the floor, one only in the air (you must be constantly jumping) and one on only one side of the pit. The difference between V1 and V2 is V2 has more equipment, better built, using newer forging techniques, and is nearly unescapable, in the rare case you get out of the pit, there are teleporters to bring you back in. It took several hours to convert it from V1 to V2 because i had to basically rebuild it from the ground floor. QUICK WALKTHROUGH OF MAP good sized box full of equipment and guns and grenades, plays slayer oddball and king of the hill, please download. please download, rate and give me feedback so i can make a V3 if needed and so i can improve on other forges Thank you overview of the map floor view of the map
looks fun and crazy i WOULD DL if it wasn't for that dumb bungie limit and the screenshots are working metro
i didnt mean to double post, i kinda dont know what im doing this is my first post of a map and i just added pics
Hmm...this map looks extremely small, and Im seeing way too many power weapons for this to be anything close to competitive. It looks to me like you just set up a few double boxes as barriers and dropped power weapons and grenades everywhere with teleporters in the corners. Im not sure how fun this would be, due to the obvious threat of players camping at the teleporters with a sword, etc. Don't take this the wrong way, Im not trying to be rude by any means, it just looks like a bland, repetitive map. Maybe if you tried interlocking the double boxes to give a more polished look, and/or added a couple stories to the enclosure, as well as cutting down on the weapons it would produce some better gameplay and aesthetics. Maybe create a version two? Hope this helps! :]
i agree. weapon caches are bad for maps because they dont challenge the players to get power weapons i.e rockets. but i think you could make a v2. just do acouple of things T3CH N9NE said, like second stories and reduced weapons.
but thats kinda the point, you get a bunch of people and your lives only end up being like 10 seconds even if you get a sword, ive played countless rounds on this map and i have never gotten to even killing frenzy, and the teleporter adds a bit more chaos by interupting duels briefly. i also did merge boxes togeather, and the size is perfect, ive tried bigger and smaller, but it needs to be slightly under 3 boxes wide and thats what i did, and this is V2 V1 was completely escapable, with no object merging at all... TY for the feedback though
hmm. I guess it's the same concept as grifball except obviously way smaller. I dunno how much fun it would be i'm not a big fan of these type of maps/gametypes, good try though.
This should be in the mini game section. It looks like all you did was stack boxes and put a crap load of weapons in the middle. I would have liked to see more effort and work put into the map. You could have at least interlocked the double boxes better.
i did merge the objects i merged all the corners to make them smooth (look in pics) but i didnt merge the ones that are parrallel to each other. also this took way more effort than you can tell because this is the first map i made, it took several hours to make the walls and the gate roof, which allows for the use of gravity lifts. trust me just get like 5 friends and play this map and youll have a blast. It is not in the minigame section because it is not a minigame, it is strait slayer oddball or koth TY for the feedback i always appreciate it!
i also forgot to mention a while ago, there is a sender node and a reciever node in two corners. The sender adds a little more chaos and the reciever recieves it and the nodes located outside the map incase you escape.... i am considering making another version of this map, but too different to be a V3 so please i need feedback so i can begin working on it TY
This map could be fun but what about spawn killing?? Also it looks like you just made a box and dumped weapons and respawn points in it. Oh, and you double posted again...
wow this just looks like a map i would play after a long night out at the bar and iwas so drunk i mwas incoherant and didn't know what i was playing. its just a box full of weapons that is it