Forged by R 2 THE OHIT and Crazed Antelope <Halo 3 Remake> Gametypes: Halo 3 Slayer DMRs (Custom Gametype found in file share) Description: Amidst reminiscing the glory days of Halo 3, my friend, Crazed Antelope, and I remade the map "Vessel" from Halo 3 - Team Doubles. The map is mostly the same and is a complete remake. Sadly, pallets are not on Forge world and we had to use dice instead. We hope you enjoy this map! Please critique and leave comments, questions or any general responses! R 2 THE OHIT EDIT: New Upload, some minor fixes included.
This map is so fun. I'm glad you remade it. However, you should move the lights down so that they are touching the back walls, as it was possible to hide behind them in Halo 3.
Awesome! Glad to hear you are enjoying it. I will as soon as more comments come in to see if I can change everything else. My buddy and I are also planning on recreating some more maps, so stay tuned!
I personally HATED this map on Halo 3 doubles. Don't think I won a game on it. But oh well, you have definitely managed to clone this map. What settings to you suggest? Is it built for Halo 3 settings or did you modify the map for Halo Reach settings?
Originally, we were going to make the map to have the same exact feel as Halo 3 with the settings just tuned up a little bit to match the jumping. Since the jumping in Halo Reach is not as easy as that of Halo 3, we attempted to modify the settings of the gametype to adjust the jump height. Doing this pretty much ruined the map so we pretty much just made everything a little closer together and lower to make the jumps possible with the Sprint armor ability (the jumps really do not need the Sprint, but it is just easier with it.) Personally, I would just download the gametype that we created with the link above, the only thing there that is different is the loadout.