No, I didnt think it was original, I played one on the pit up above towards the ceiling but you couldnt jump, so i made one in foundry, I know its nothing pretty, that is because its not supposed to be, it is a casual custom but it also does help out your survival skills in cqb (close quarter battle), i know it might not be that popular, but as you said, i didnt see one on here so I thought I would post it and then other people can think for themselves and decide if they want to try it out or not... yeah, u arent blind, thats what makes it exciting tho simple can sometimes be better than complex... now that I think about are totally right, me and my clan play it to relax all the time i should just take pics from that...thanks
So its a box? With some spawns? Thats it? hmm i think ive seen like 30 of these maps. None of them have been that interesting.
@yum_yoast- it does not have to be interesting to be fun, and if you play with my game type, it does make it fun, fiesta style with OS x2 respawns no instant kills aside from with hammer... @arch3m- have you ever tried it? don't say its not a good/fun map until you try it...