"If only we knew what the forrunners did with their outpost's . . . Then maybe we could better understand what the flood are like." U.N.S.C Covert Op, Lt. R. James Another map from the vault of "The Architects of Halo". This map was inspired by guardian / lockout, while the layout is completely different it does share the similar characteristics from both maps. The nature pillar from guardian and the large structures from lockout. The balance is surprisingly perfect, as I have a habit of making sure there is more than 3 ways to each position of power. Each route has just as much of risk as much as it has a tactical advantage, so you really have to tread carefully when you move around. Although it may look small, since it has so many different paths of gameplay it allows the player to stretch their strategy and enjoyment. the map is set up for MLG but I am submitting it to competitive to see how it plays first, comments matter for this so please all your feedback is welcome. Weapon list: Grenade launcher x 1 (120) Sniper rifle x 2 (120 with single clip) DMR x 4 (30) Needle rifle x 2 (30) Plasma pistol x 2 (45) Plasma grenade x 4 (45) Fragment grenade x 4 (45) Evade x 1 (120) Overview: Grenade launcher spawns right in front of the 1x4 pillar that you see here Red sniper spawn blue sniper spawn which is also the blue spawn on the lower bridge Red spawn stands below that rock ledge Blue sniper spawn just at the top of the lift Evade spawn sits on the ramp at half point from each spawn Well thats all for the images, i will be doing a map pack video of all the maps i have created. That grand total is 58 maps gameplay ready made by me alone. Its going to be a lot of work but I am eager for the response from all. Enjoy forgers!
This map is very intriguing to me for some reason. I would suggest you color your objects appropriately, red in red side, blue in blue side, maybe just have it all be green. I dont know, but some color might make the map visually better. You've gotten yourself a download, I dont know why I did this, but there is just something about the map that makes me want to see it for myself.
The aesthetics look good though as was said a little color could serve it well. I really like the satellite thing. I can't say anything for gameplay just yet but it seems sound on paper. I like all the various paths I can see. Also, the red sniper rifle looks very precariously perched. It seems like it could easily fall of the map. You may consider moving a little bit to prevent this. Anyway, the map looks good. You've got a DL from me.
My only problem with the map is that a grenade could easily find its way under the red sniper spawn, knocking the sniper of the edge, therefore giving blue team an advantage.
in all honesty, I did not think about blue team throwing a grenade, BUT i did the spawn times and red team would get their sniper at the exact time blue team gets up the lift. plus i have experimented with grenades to move weapons and the blast is barely strong enough to move it a few inches. While your concern is noted, it seems a little impractical. I will take the time to do more experiments but it is highly likely that this shall not be an issue during gameplay. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I suck you in by assimilation, muhahahahahaha [br][/br]Edited by merge: After 300 views and only a few downloads I feel that my map has not had a real review. Any comments please, I do feel it important to have my map looked at more so in turn I can make a better version in the future.