There is a famous Halo CE map called Prisoner so you might want to change the name of your map to something else. You don't want people to click into your map expecting to find a remake and then be disappointed.
If looks could kill, we'd be dead already but a description is something that you need if you want people to download.
True, but he DID call it "Prisonners", not "Prisoner". Anyways, i know you're french and may not know much english, perhaps use a translator or finding someone who can translate? You should try to give a description of the map and more pictures. But from what I can see, it looks pretty nice! If this is your first map, it is a great one!
Prisonners is close to Prisoner just the same as Lockout is close to Blackout. Do you get what I mean? You don't want your map name even close to another map. People will get confused. Great map Ikawou. You should definitely keep forging. Your maps are great.
I didn't had Halo in english so I couldn't know the name prisonners had used, really sorry . [br][/br]Edited by merge: That's a pleasure to see your answer ^^ I will put another maps soon if you want it, ans for "Prisoner" I didn't knew I'm pretty good in english but the french's (frenche's ? ^^""") names of maps are differents, reflection for us = " Reflet", the pitt = " La Mine" ... So I will change the name of my map but I'm sorry and nice to see you like it ^^