Marina So basically i got inspired while adding gametypes to my map skew (which should be posted as soon as i finish a couple more gametypes), and started forging this map, i began with the boat and dock, then moved to the crane, then the truck and finsihed it with the surrounding buildings. My general goal with the buildings was to take the sort of flat wall boundaries (rows of wall coliseums) and give them some depth through the faces of the buildings. You can go inside the drivers area of the crane, the back of the truck, all over the boat, and inside of all of the buildings. Ive designed it for all gametypes except race (i am going to try to set up some loose invasion gametype based on the standard invasion gametype to prevent extra gametype downloads). As of now ive only gotten a few games of infection on it (my friends love infection) and its still probably got a bit of a ways to go before i submit it to the testers guild then post it. note: any loose swords you see are from the dead infected i didn't just spawn dozens of swords throughout the map SWARM! (truck is my favorite part of the map, it even has side mirrors) if you want to help me test this my gt is whiterice321, or just leave your gamertag =)
This looks pretty solid aesthetically. It's hard to get a feel for gameplay from the pictures, but it looks promising. good work.
honestly im not quite sure how it will play either as i havent manage to get any games but infection on it, but im hoping flow will be primarily focused around the buildings rather then through the middle, but without making the middle into a sort of no mans land
So is the map for competitive gametypes aswell? It looks pretty good especially because of the location of the map... Can't wait to see it finished
Yep its for competitive as well, i just have a largely casual group of friends so testing those gametypes takes some armtwisting, but i plan to make it support all gametypes except race